This paper describes the development of an interactive tool which allows playing different soundscapes by mixing diverse environmental sounds on demand. This tool is titled Our Sound Space (OSS) and has been developed as part of an ongoing project where we test methods and tools for the participation of young people in spatial planning. As such OSS is meant to offer new opportunities to engage youth in talks about planning, placemaking and more sustainable living environments. In this paper, we describe an implementation of OSS that we are using as an interactive soundscape installation sited in a public place daily visited by people from a diversity of entities (e.g. university, a gymnasium, a restaurant, start-ups). The OSS installation is designed to allow simultaneous activation of several prerecorded sounds broadcast through four loudspeakers. The installation is interactive, meaning that it can be activated and operated by anyone via smartphones and is designed to allow interaction among multiple people at the same time and space.
Part of ISBN 9789152773727
QC 20231009