It can be challenging to motivate decision-makers to invest in work environmentimprovements (WEIs). One success factor is to use the same vocabulary as companymanagement and express suggested WEIs in a way that management can understand and usein their decision-making. This paper has two objectives, to present: 1) examples of realorganisations’ ergonomics problems, suggestions for improvements and financial estimationsof effects of the suggested interventions, carried out by students in a Master’s course; 2)course-design features evaluated as important for this type of course. Results from six studentprojects, using several financial methods, are presented. The discussion focuses on the valueof increasing the availability of such a course, as well as competencies needed to be successfulinWEIs. In conclusion: by applied training as in this course, non-economists can rather rapidlylearn to assess ergonomics problems, and to develop, present and argue for suggestedsolutions, also with financial effect estimations.
QC 20230619