Companies use risk observations and work environment (WE) deviations such as occupationalaccidents and occupational illnesses to prevent injuries. There is no standard for how risks andoccupational injuries are reported. Praktikertjänst's management requests a standard as ameasure that can be used to work more proactively with health and safety and supportsustainable business development. Therefore, the SRA method was developed for calculatingand visualizing a work environment KPI related to the severity of WE deviations, the SRA Index.(Sustainable Risk Awareness Index for management support). Existing data (risk observations,near misses, work-related accidents and work-related illnesses) are used for calculating the SRAIndex. In this study the usability of the SRA Index was evaluated with a questionnaire amongwork environment experts. They assessed the SRA method to be easy to understand, to havehigh usability and to be valuable for assessing an organisation’s risk awareness.
Part of proceedings: ISBN 978-91-506-2975-0, DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.29500.51842, QC 20230619