In this paper, we consider how the uplink transmission of a spatially correlated massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system can be protected from a jamming attack. To suppress the jamming, we propose a novel framework including a new optimal linear estimator in the training phase and a bilinear equalizer in the data phase. The proposed estimator is optimal in the sense of maximizing the spectral efficiency of the legitimate system attacked by a jammer, and its implementation needs the statistical knowledge about the jammer's channel. We derive an efficient algorithm to estimate the jamming information needed for implementation of the proposed framework. Furthermore, we demonstrate that optimized power allocation at the legitimate users can improve the performance of the proposed framework regardless of the jamming power optimization. Our proposed framework can be exploited to combat jamming in scenarios with either ideal or non-ideal hardware at the legitimate users and the jammer. Numerical results reveal that using the proposed framework, the jammer cannot dramatically affect the performance of the legitimate system.
QC 20220620