Quantum strongly correlated matter exhibits properties which are not easily explainable in the conventional framework of Fermi liquids. Universal effective field theory tools are applicable in these cases regardless of the microscopic details of the quantum system, since they are based on symmetries. It is necessary, however, to construct these effective tools in full generality, avoiding restrictions coming from particular microscopic descriptions which may inadequately constrain the coefficients that enter in the effective theory. In this work we demonstrate with explicit examples how the hydrodynamic coefficients, which have been recently reinstated in the effective theory of pinned charge density waves (CDWs), can affect the phenomenology of the thermoelectric transport in strongly correlated quantum matter. Our examples, based on two classes of holographic models with pinned CDW, have microscopics which are conceptually different from Fermi liquids. Therefore, the above transport coefficients are nonzero, contrary to the conventional approach. We show how these coefficients allow one to take into account the change of sign of the Seebeck coefficient and the low resistivity of the CDW phase of the cuprate high temperature superconductors, without referring to the effects of Fermi surface reconstruction.
QC 20220818