About Bees, Trees and Cider
2022 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
My process started with research about climate change which lead me to the topic of food production. A fact that fascinated me is that up to 75% of the crops require pollination by insects, so called entomophily. One of the pollinators in the species of insects is the honeybee.In the act of a cross pollination the bee is collecting the pollen and depositing the male parts to the ovaries, the female parts of the flower. With that act a flower is fertilized and is able to grow a fruit that can be harvested.
Nowadays green landscapes in the city are lacking biodiversity and therefore we are facing a loss of many pollinators. The city parks are showing off with their freshly mowed grass areas in which the human plays the main role. What we don’t realize is that we take away the food source for many insects, by transforming their natural habitat in one that only suits us.
So this is were my projects starts taking place. The scene is a park, centrally located in my hometown Innsbruck, Austria. By transforming an existing park, reintroducing local biodiversity, I want to create a project attractive for both insects and people.
I am re-landscaping parts of the park, adding flower beds, a meadow, herb and flower gardens but also reactivating the existing gardening area as part of a solution to reintroduce more pollinators into the urban landscape. Architecturally two rammed earth buildings, a cider factory and a bar are replacing the burnt down restaurant with beehives complementing the concept. The outcome is an architectural space but also a product, the honey cider, that is defined by its locality. But first and foremost telling the a story, the story of the bee that plays a big part in the food production. This cider stands for validating this process and at the same time creating a space that brings people together.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
Revitalization, Climate Consciousness, Insects, Rammed earth, Garden, Bar
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-316567OAI: oai:DiVA.org:kth-316567DiVA, id: diva2:1689476
Subject / course
Educational program
Master of Science - Architecture