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Nontrivial spectral band progressions in electronic circular dichroism spectra of carbohelicenes revealed by linear response calculations
KTH, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH), Theoretical Chemistry and Biology.ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3992-043x
KTH, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH), Theoretical Chemistry and Biology.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1191-4954
2022 (English)In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP, ISSN 1463-9076, E-ISSN 1463-9084, Vol. 24, no 32, p. 19321-19332Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

We demonstrate that contemporary computational resources allow for accurate theoretical studies of systems matching recent advances in experimental helicene chemistry. Concerned with first-principles calculations of carbohelicenes, our work surpasses CH[12] as the largest system investigated to date and unravels trends in the electronic structure of the low-lying states of the homologous series. Utilizing a highly efficient implementation of linear response algorithms, we present electronic circular dichroism (CD) spectra of carbohelicenes ranging from CH[5] to CH[30] at the level of Kohn-Sham density-functional theory. Our results for a systematic increase in system size show the emergence of new CD bands that subsequently rise to intensities dominating the spectrum. The spectral band progressions exhibit a periodicity directly linked to the number of overlapping layers of conjugation. While our findings rectify the current understanding of the electronic structure of carbohelicenes, they also serve as a general call for caution regarding the extrapolation of trends from small system ranges.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) , 2022. Vol. 24, no 32, p. 19321-19332
National Category
Chemical Process Engineering Energy Engineering Medical Biotechnology
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-316719DOI: 10.1039/d2cp02371gISI: 000837448700001PubMedID: 35929836Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85135689319OAI: oai:DiVA.org:kth-316719DiVA, id: diva2:1691520

QC 20220830

Available from: 2022-08-30 Created: 2022-08-30 Last updated: 2022-10-17Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Implementation of complex polarization propagator theory for linear response properties of large molecular systems
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Implementation of complex polarization propagator theory for linear response properties of large molecular systems
2022 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Since its beginning, the remarkable development from the first commercially available computers toward exascale supercomputers just within the span of a lifetime has been closely intertwined with the perpetual quest for the utilization of the arising computing power for the avail of theoretical chemistry. With the aim of further pushing the limits of computationally accessible molecular system sizes, this thesis includes the presentation of programming efforts, which brought forth two quantum chemical software codes, as well as a range of ab initio studies on carbon-based systems, enabled by the former.

The VeloxChem and Gator programs, developed for spectroscopy simulations at the level of density-functional theory (DFT) and correlated wave function methods, respectively, employ a hybrid message passing interface (MPI)/open multiprocessing (OpenMP) parallelization scheme embedded in a modular program structure written in a Python/C++ layered fashion for the execution in contemporary high-performance computing (HPC) environments. Included numerical solvers for the evaluation of real and complex linear response functions in combination with the parallel construction of auxiliary Fock matrices enable the efficient calculation of one-photon absorption or electronic circular dichroism (CD) spectra in the ultraviolet/visible (UV/vis) or X-ray spectral region, as well as van der Waals C6 dispersion coefficients.

Employing the VeloxChem program in two comprehensive investigations, the C6 dispersion coefficients of carbon fullerenes up to a system size of C540 and the CD spectra of carbohelicenes ranging from CH[5] to CH[30] have been calculated at the DFT level of theory. The revealed non-additive scaling with respect to the number of carbon atoms of N2.2 in the former and nontrivial CD band progressions, arguably linked to the number of overlapping layers in the helical conjugated systems, in the latter rectify the current conception in their respective fields.

In a benchmark for the Gator program on a series of guanine oligomers, the full UV/vis spectrum for a tetrad was calculated at the level of a second-order algebraic-diagrammatic construction (ADC(2)) scheme in just under 15 hours by efficient employment of 32,768 central processing unit (CPU) cores.

Exceeding the limit of 10,000 and 1,000 contracted basis functions for a treatment with the DFT and ADC(2) methods, respectively, these practical examples demonstrate the capability of VeloxChem and Gator to harness vast computational resources made available by contemporary and future HPC systems and thereby routinely address scopes of system sizes that were previously out of reach.

Abstract [sv]

Den anmärkningsvärda utvecklingen som inom enbart loppet av en livstid gått från de första kommersiellt tillgängliga datorerna mot exascale superdatorer har varit nära sammanflätad med en strävan att kunna utnyttja den uppgraderade beräkningskraften för att kunna lösa mer komplexa problem inom den teoretisk kemin. I syfte att ytterligare tänja på gränserna för beräkningsmässigt tillgängliga molekylära systemstorlekar, inkluderar denna avhandling en presentation av programmeringsinsatser som ledde till utvecklingen av två kvantkemiska mjukvarukoder, såväl som en rad ab initio studier på kolbaserade system, där de två mjukvarukoderna applicerades.

VeloxChem- och Gator-programmen som är utvecklade för spektroskopi-simuleringar på nivån för density-functional theory (DFT) respektive korrelerade vågfunktionsmetoder, använder ett hybrid-message passing interface (MPI)/open multiprocessing (OpenMP) parallelliseringsschema som är inbäddat i en modulär programstruktur skriven i lager av  Python/C++ för exekvering i nutida hög-prestandaberäkningsmiljöer (HPC). De inkluderade numeriska lösningsalgoritmerna för utvärdering av reella och komplexa linjära responsfunktioner i kombination med den parallella konstruktionen av extra Fock-matriser möjliggör effektiv beräkning av både en-fotonabsorption eller elektronisk cirkulär dikroism (CD)-spektra i ultravioletta/synliga (UV/vis) eller röntgen områden, samt beräkningar av van der Waals C6 dispersionskoefficienter.

Genom att använda VeloxChem-programmet i två omfattande undersökningar har dispersionskoefficienterna C6 för kolfullerener upp till en systemstorlek på C540 och CD-spektra av kolhelicener från CH[5] till CH[30] varit beräknade på DFT-nivå. Den första undersökningen avslöjade en icke-additiv skalning med avseende på antalet kolatomer av N2,2. Den andra identifierade icke-triviala CD-bandprogressioner, som förmodligen är kopplat till antalet överlappande lager i de spiralformade konjugerade systemen. Resultaten från dessa studier utmanar den nuvarande uppfattningen inom undersökningarnas respektive områden.

I en jämförelse på en serie guanin-oligomerer utförda med Gator-programmet, beräknades hela UV/vis-spektrumet för en tetrad på nivån av ett andra-ordningens algebraic-diagrammatic construction (ADC(2)) scheme på mindre än 15 timmar genom effektivt nyttjande av 32 768 kärnor för centralprocessorer (CPU).

Genom att överskrida gränsen på 10 000 och 1 000 kontrakterade basfunktioner för en behandling med DFT- respektive ADC(2)-metoderna, visar dessa applicerade exempel på VeloxChems och Gators förmåga att utnyttja enorma beräkningsresurser som görs tillgängliga av både nutida och framtida HPC-system och därmed tillåter rutinmässiga beräkningar av systemstorlekar som tidigare var utom räckhåll.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2022. p. 87
TRITA-CBH-FOU ; 2022:54
National Category
Theoretical Chemistry
Research subject
Theoretical Chemistry and Biology
urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-320270 (URN)978-91-8040-394-8 (ISBN)
Public defence
2022-11-18, D37, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/67595336394, Stockholm, 09:00 (English)

QC 2022-10-18

Available from: 2022-10-18 Created: 2022-10-17 Last updated: 2022-11-16Bibliographically approved

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Brand, ManuelNorman, Patrick

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