Our workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners across disciplines in HCI who share an interest in promoting well-being through tangible interaction. The workshop forms an impassioned response to the worldwide push towards more digital and remote interaction in nearly all domains of our lives in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. One question we raise is: to what extent will measures like remote interaction remain in place post-pandemic, and to what extent these changes may influence future agendas for the design of interactive products and services to support living well? We aim to ensure that the workshop serves as a space for diverse participants to share ideas and engage in cooperative discussions through hands-on activities resulting in the co-creation of a Manifesto to demonstrate the importance of embodied and sensory interaction for supporting well-being in a post-pandemic context. All the workshop materials will be published online on the workshop website and disseminated through ongoing collaboration.
QC 20220909
Part of proceedings: ISBN 978-145039156-6