Many higher education institutions have a policy stating that they should “promote sustainable development” or something to the effect. In order to make this operational, a definition of the term and concept “sustainable development” could be useful. It may also be necessary to have a condition for when an enterprise, activity, or technology may be regarded as promoting sustainable development. At KTH, a process was started including discussions within top management, faculty, Ph.D. students and other staff resulting in a document formally approved by the President, which can be seen as a guidance document for interpreting “sustainable development”. The document also suggests the following criteria “An activity or technology can be considered to promote sustainable development if it clearly facilitates, in a life cycle perspective, the opportunities to achieve the global sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030.” This paper will describe the process as well as the final document.
QC 20220916
Part of book: ISBN 978-3-031-04763-3