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The role of redox-cofactor regeneration and ammonium assimilation in secretion of amino acids as byproducts of Clostridium thermocellum
KTH, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH), Industrial Biotechnology.ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1347-7978
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (Biosciences Division)
KTH, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH), Industrial Biotechnology.ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7590-2752
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(English)Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Clostridium thermocellum is a cellulolytic thermophile considered for consolidated bioprocessing of lignocellulose to ethanol. Improvements in ethanol yield are required for industrial implementation, but incompletely understood causes of amino acid secretion impede progress. In this study, amino acid secretion was investigated by gene deletions in ammonium-regulated NADPH-supplying and -consuming pathways and physiological characterization in cellobiose- or ammonium-limited chemostats. First, the contribution of the NADPH-supplying malate shunt was studied with strains using either the NADPH-yielding malate shunt (Δppdk) or redox-independent conversion of PEP to pyruvate (Δppdk ΔmalE::Peno-pyk). In the latter, branched-chain amino acids, especially valine, were significantly reduced, whereas the ethanol yield increased 46-60%, suggesting that secretion of these amino acids balances NADPH surplus from the malate shunt. Unchanged amino acid secretion in Δppdk falsified a previous hypothesis on ammonium-regulated PEP-to-pyruvate flux redistribution. Possible involvement of another NADPH-supplier, namely NADH-dependent reduced ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase (nfnAB), was also excluded. Finally, deletion of glutamate synthase (gogat) in ammonium assimilation resulted in upregulation of NADPH-linked glutamate dehydrogenase activity and decreased amino acid yields. Since gogat in C. thermocellum is putatively annotated as ferredoxin-linked, which is supported by product redistribution observed in this study, this deletion likely replaced ferredoxin with NADPH in ammonium assimilation. Overall, these findings indicate that a need to reoxidize NADPH is driving the observed amino acid secretion, likely at the expense of NADH needed for ethanol formation. This suggests that metabolic engineering strategies on simplifying redox metabolism and ammonium assimilation can contribute to increased ethanol yields.

Importance. Improving the ethanol yield of C. thermocellum is important for industrial implementation of this microorganism in consolidated bioprocessing. A central role of NADPH in driving amino acid byproduct formation was demonstrated, by eliminating the NADPH-supplying malate shunt and separately by changing the cofactor specificity in ammonium assimilation. With amino acid secretion diverting carbon and electrons away from ethanol, these insights are important for further metabolic engineering to reach industrial requirements on ethanol yield. This study also provides chemostat data relevant for training genome-scale metabolic models and improving the validity of their predictions, especially considering the reduced degree-of-freedom in redox metabolism of the strains generated here. In addition, this study advances fundamental understanding on mechanisms underlying amino acid secretion in cellulolytic Clostridia as well as regulation and cofactor specificity in ammonium assimilation. Together, these efforts aid development of C. thermocellum for sustainable consolidated bioprocessing of lignocellulose to ethanol with minimal pretreatment. 

National Category
Research subject
Biotechnology; Biotechnology
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-319875OAI: oai:DiVA.org:kth-319875DiVA, id: diva2:1702212

QC 20221011

Available from: 2022-10-10 Created: 2022-10-10 Last updated: 2022-10-11Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Insights into the metabolism of Clostridium thermocellum for cellulosic ethanol production
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Insights into the metabolism of Clostridium thermocellum for cellulosic ethanol production
2022 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The societal goal of reaching net-zero CO2 emissions requires development of integrated biorefineries to produce biomass-derived fuels and chemicals. For sustainable second-generation bioethanol production, consolidated bioprocessing with the thermophile Clostridium thermocellum is regarded as a promising concept in view of the microorganism’s native ability to efficiently degrade plant cell wall material. However, for industrial implementation, improvements in ethanol titer and yield are needed. The aim of this thesis was to increase knowledge on the metabolism of C. thermocellum and thereby guide future metabolic engineering strategies to maximize the ethanol yield and titer.

Yield improvements and fundamental studies into the metabolism of C. thermocellum would benefit from higher utilization of hexose monomers as well as minimized byproduct formation. To investigate underlying mechanisms for growth on glucose and fructose, laboratory evolution in chemostats together with genome sequence-based reverse engineering was applied. This successfully revealed two underlying mutations with (regulatory) roles in metabolism or transport of the monosaccharides. Together, these mutations enable reproducible and constitutive growth and are relevant for follow-up studies into transport and upper glycolysis. Separately, the mechanism behind the surprising byproduct formation of secreted amino acids was investigated by knock-out studies in NADPH-supplying and -consuming pathways. Physiological characterization in cellobiose- or ammonium-limited chemostats of mutant strains, with deletions in the NADPH-forming malate shunt or in the putatively ferredoxin-dependent ammonium assimilation, demonstrated a central role of NADPH in driving amino acid secretion. The findings indicated that electron availability will be crucial for further yield improvements in the NADH-dependent ethanol pathway.

Fundamental mechanisms that might contribute to improved ethanol titer were addressed by studying thermodynamic and biophysical limitations. The pyrophosphate (PPi)-dependent glycolysis of C. thermocellum has been hypothesized to increase the overall ATP yield at the expense of the overall driving force. Knock-out studies combined with functional annotation of potential PPi-sources questioned this trade-off and increased knowledge of the PPi metabolism. The chaotropic effect (biophysical toxicity) of ethanol is commonly counteracted by lowering the cultivation temperature. Here, physiological characterization at varying ethanol titers demonstrated improved growth and fermentation at lower temperature. Comparisons to a non-ethanol producing mutant indicated both thermodynamic and biophysical limitations specifically in the ethanol pathway.

Overall, these findings suggest that improvements in ethanol yield and titer would benefit from a simplified glycolysis that is engineered for a high driving force. While this work is beneficial for second-generation ethanol production, these findings can also be broadly applicable in the research and development of C. thermocellum as a cell factory for sustainable production of other fuels and chemicals. 

Abstract [sv]

Samhällsmålet att nå nettonoll CO2 utsläpp kräver att integrerade bioraffinaderier utvecklas för att producera bränslen och kemikalier baserade på biomassa. För hållbar andra-generationens bioetanol-produktion betraktas konsoliderad bioprocessering med termofilen Clostridium thermocellum som ett lovande koncept, utifrån dess naturliga förmåga att effektivt bryta ner växtcellväggar. Emellertid krävs ökad titer och utbyte av etanol för att nå industriell implementering. Målet med denna avhandling var att öka kunskapen om C. thermocellums metabolism och därmed vägleda framtida strategier för att maximera utbytet och titern av etanol genom metabolic engineering.

Förbättringar i utbytet samt fundamentala studier på metabolism hos C. thermocellum skulle gynnas av ett större utnyttjande av C6-mono-sackarider samt minskad produktion av biprodukter. Underliggande mekanismer för tillväxt på glukos och fruktos undersöktes med laboratory evolution i kemostater samt genomsekvensbaserad reverse engineering. I denna studie avslöjades två underliggande mutationer med (regulatoriska) roller i metabolismen eller transporten av dessa monosackarider. Tillsammans möjliggjorde dessa mutationer reproducerbar och konstitutiv tillväxt. Mutationerna är även relevanta för uppföljningsstudier av sockertransport och den övre glykolysen. Därutöver studerades den oväntade biproduktgruppen, aminosyror, genom knockoutstudier på NADPH-producerande och -konsumerande reaktionsvägar. Stammar med knockouts i den NADPH-producerande malatshunten eller i den potentiellt ferredoxin-kopplade ammoniumassimileringen karaktäriserades fysio-logiskt i cellobios- och ammoniumbegränsande kemostater. Detta visade att NADPH har en central roll i att driva aminosyrautsöndring. Dessa upptäckter indikerade att elektrontillgänglighet är kritiskt för att öka utbytet i den NADH-beroende etanolproduktionen. 

Fundamentala mekanismer som skulle kunna bidra till förbättrad titer av etanol studerades från termodynamiska och biofysiska perspektiv. En rådande hypotes har varit att den pyrofosfat (PPi)-beroende glykolysen hos C. thermocellum ökar ATP-utbytet på bekostnad av den totala termodynamiska drivkraften. Knockoutstudier kombinerat med funktionell annotering av potentiella PPi-källor ifrågasatte denna hypotes och ökade förståelsen av PPi metabolismen. Den kaotropiska effekten (biofysisk toxicitet) av etanol dämpas ofta i industriella processer genom att sänka odlingstemperaturen. Här demonstrerade fysiologisk karaktärisering vid olika etanoltiter att tillväxt och fermentering förbättras vid lägre temp-eraturer. En jämförelse mellan en modifierad icke-etanolproducerande stam och vildtypen indikerade att etanolproduktionen är begränsad av både termodynamiska och biofysiska faktorer. 

I helhet antyder dessa forskningsresultat att förbättringar i utbytet och titern av etanol skulle gynnas av en förenklad glykolys, konstruerad för att ge en hög termodynamisk drivkraft. Fastän denna avhandling fokuserar på andra-generationens etanolproduktion, kan dessa forskningsrön även appliceras mer brett i forskning och utveckling av C. thermocellum som en cellfabrik för hållbar produktion av andra bränslen och kemikalier. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2022. p. 87
TRITA-CBH-FOU ; 2022:51
Clostridium thermocellum, ethanol, glucose, fructose, amino acids, pyrophosphate, chaotropicity, thermodynamic driving force, laboratory evolution, chemostats, metabolic engineering
National Category
Other Industrial Biotechnology
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-319878 (URN)978-91-8040-366-5 (ISBN)
Public defence
2022-11-08, Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, via Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/63457293693, Stockholm, 09:00 (English)

QC 2022-10-11

Available from: 2022-10-11 Created: 2022-10-10 Last updated: 2022-11-04Bibliographically approved

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Yayo, JohannesKuil, TeunHarding, Dan Jamesvan Maris, Antonius J. A.

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