The quality of employee engagement at work is an important factor that can have effects on health, give indications on the quality of leadership, and save costs for companies. Gallup firm has defined three categories of employees that every organization in the world has: Engaged, Not engaged, Actively disengaged. Data collected with about 155000 interviews by Gallup across 155 countries around the world show that only 15% of employees worldwide are engaged in their job, 67% are not engaged, and 18% are actively disengaged. This large amount of data provides the context for reflecting on workplace conditions and engagement at work across global regions. In this paper we present a study in which we use interactive sonification strategies for representing the above three employee categories in order to explore, understand, and reflect on workplace conditions. For the sound design we applied principles of communication of emotional expression in music performance. By leveraging on the strong emotional component offered by expressive interactive sonification it was possible to create sonifications which could help participants in an experiment to identify the three different employees categories and to design the soundscape of their workplace.
QC 20221115