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Energy- and flux-budget theory for surface layers in atmospheric convective turbulence
KTH, Centres, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics NORDITA. Ben Gurion Univ Negev, Dept Mech Engn, IL-8410530 Beer Sheva, Israel.;Stockholm Univ, Nordita, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden.ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7308-4768
KTH, Centres, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics NORDITA. Ben Gurion Univ Negev, Dept Mech Engn, IL-8410530 Beer Sheva, Israel.;Stockholm Univ, Nordita, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5744-1160
Univ Helsinki, Inst Atmospher & Earth Syst Res INAR, Helsinki 00014, Finland.;Finnish Meteorol Inst, Helsinki 00101, Finland..
2022 (English)In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1070-6631, E-ISSN 1089-7666, Vol. 34, no 11, article id 116602Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The energy- and flux-budget (EFB) theory developed previously for atmospheric stably stratified turbulence is extended to the surface layer in atmospheric convective turbulence. This theory is based on budget equations for turbulent energies and fluxes in the Boussinesq approximation. In the lower part of the surface layer in the atmospheric convective boundary layer, the rate of turbulence production of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) caused by the surface shear is much larger than that caused by the buoyancy, which results in three-dimensional turbulence of very complex nature. In the upper part of the surface layer, the rate of turbulence production of TKE due to the shear is much smaller than that caused by the buoyancy, which causes unusual strongly anisotropic buoyancy-driven turbulence. Considering the applications of the obtained results to the atmospheric convective boundary-layer turbulence, the theoretical relationships potentially useful in modeling applications have been derived. The developed EFB theory allows us to obtain a smooth transition between a stably stratified turbulence to a convective turbulence. The EFB theory for the surface layer in a convective turbulence provides an analytical expression for the entire surface layer including the transition range between the lower and upper parts of the surface layer, and it allows us to determine the vertical profiles for all turbulent characteristics, including TKE, the intensity of turbulent potential temperature fluctuations, the vertical turbulent fluxes of momentum and buoyancy (proportional to potential temperature), the integral turbulence scale, the turbulence anisotropy, the turbulent Prandtl number, and the flux Richardson number.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
AIP Publishing , 2022. Vol. 34, no 11, article id 116602
National Category
Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-322327DOI: 10.1063/5.0123401ISI: 000880665300007Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85143503067OAI: oai:DiVA.org:kth-322327DiVA, id: diva2:1718071

QC 20221212

Available from: 2022-12-12 Created: 2022-12-12 Last updated: 2025-02-07Bibliographically approved

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Rogachevskii, IgorKleeorin, Nathan

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Rogachevskii, IgorKleeorin, Nathan
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Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics NORDITA
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Physics of fluids
Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences

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