The witness seminar ”ABC 80 i pedagogikens tjänst: Exempel på tidig användning av mikrodatorer i den svenska skolan” [ABC 80 in Education: An Example of Early Use of Micro Computers in the Swedish School] was held at Cloetta Center in Linköping on 23 September 2008 and was led by Magnus Johansson. The seminar focused on technical and educational aspects of the Swedish micro computer ABC 80, manufactured by the Luxor company starting in 1978. Geographically, it focused on the region of Östra Götaland. The seminar treated the origins and development of the ABC 80, marketing efforts addressing Swedish schools, various prerequisites for introducing and using these and other micro computers in secondary and higher secondary schools, as well as the actual use of computers in different school subjects. The seminar revealed the domination of teachers in Mathematics and Science regarding the use of computers for educational purposes. Roughly focusing the period 1978–85, the use of computers in education mainly included programming, calculation and for controlling and measuring in laboratory work. It was rather a fascination of the new technology than ideas about how it might influence education that impelled the teachers to use computers in their teaching. The participants also stressed the importance of ABC 80 and other micro computers for computer use in schools, due to increased affordability and flexibility in comparison with minicomputers.