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  • 1.
    Abdalnour, John
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Zahid, Yasir
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Småhusprojekt och fördjupning: Fördjupning: Kvalitativ jämförelse mellan trä och betong2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 2.
    af Klintberg, Tord
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Björk, Folke
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Rättvist Byggande byggkriminalitet och Sveriges sekretesslagstiftning2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien bygger på intervjuer och samtal med 64 personer hos bl. a. myndigheter & fastighetsbolag.

    Byggkriminaliteten belastar samhället på flera olika sätt. Personer i utsatta lägen, exempelvis pappers-lösa, blir utnyttjade genom att få arbeta långa dagar med låg lön, ofta under ofta farliga förhållanden. Dessutom blir hederliga byggbolag utkonkurrerade då kriminella bolag kan vinna upphandlingar, genom låga anbud. Kriminella bolag försöker sedan få till ytterligare intäkter, exempelvis genom att ge dåliga leveranser, som i sin tur genererar dem intäkter i form av ändrings- och tilläggsarbeten. Detta visar i sin tur att byggnadskvaliteten blir försämrad av de kriminella bolagens aktivitet. Vidare går svenska staten miste om betydande skatteintäkter. Kriminella bolag gör å sin sida stora vinster och dessa vinster kan sedan användas till annan aktivitet, exempelvis att köpa upp hederliga bolag. Vår analys är att ekonomisk vinning är ytterst centralt för kriminella bolag, samtidigt som de gärna vill framställa sig som ytterst hederliga. Därför är det möjligt att bekämpa dem ur ett ekonomiskt pers-pektiv, Här har det dock visat sig att Sveriges befintliga sekretesslagstiftning utgör ett operativt hinder.

    Dagens svenska sekretesslagstiftning grundar sig på farhågor som fanns på 1970-talet, att Sverige skulle förvandlas till Oceanien i Orwells 1984 genom att myndigheterna samkörde sina register. Sekretesslagstiftningen skapades 1979/80, i syfte att försvara den personliga integriteten, men lagen förhindrar nu att myndigheter på en löpande basis samarbetar mot kriminella bolag. Detta gäller även Skatteverkets olika enheter där Skattebrotts- och Beskattningsenheterna inte löpande får samarbeta mot kriminalitet. Föreslag har lagts fram att lagen ska ändras, så att myndigheter får samarbeta, men frågan har till slut behandlats som en mer avgränsad integritetsfråga ur en strikt juridisk synvinkel.

     Vi frågar oss om Regeringar och Justitiedepartement har ägt tillräcklig insikt eller kraft för att förbereda förslag, vilka kan ligga till grund för lagstiftning, som är operativ mot byggkriminalitet, men även tar hänsyn till integritet. Att försvara den personliga integriteten är vällovligt, men det är stötande att skärpt lagstiftning mot arbetslivskriminalitet inte utvecklas, därför att ett fåtal remissinstanser vill stoppa sådana lagar med ett snävt integritetsförsvar. Detta får en stor negativ påverkan på Sveriges förmåga att agera mot byggkriminaliteten. 


    Till skillnad från Sverige så har Finland en lagstiftning, som tillåter finska myndigheter att operativt agera mot kriminella företag. Den finska Skatteförvaltningen erhåller information om byggarbetares arbetsgivarsamband och arbetstid, om byggentreprenörers fakturering, samt gängse deklarationer. Dessutom kan den finska Skatteförvaltningens olika enheter samarbeta löpande med varandra utan sekretesshinder, vilket det svenska Skatteverket är förhindrat att göra. Man kan fråga sig om Finlands system är farligt för den personliga integriteten för människorna i Finland? 

     I ljuset av Sveriges nuvarande bekymmer avseende arbetslivskriminalitet och arbetskraftsutnyttjande bör en forskargrupp etableras, knuten till Justitiedepartementet, där juridik- och samhällsforskare samarbetar i syfte att lägga fram underlag till en ny sekretesslag. I det sammanhanget vore det intressant att studera forskningsinstitutet HEUNIs verksamhet vid Finlands Justitiedepartement. 

     Intervjupersoner i denna studie anser att Rättvist Byggande är ett bra initiativ av Stockholmshem, som tar ett utökat byggherreansvar. Det är dock huvudentreprenören, som ska ta  ansvar för arbetsplatsen. Andra renodlade byggherrar ansluter sig nu till initiativet vilket är bra. Rättvist Byggande kommer framför allt åt den kriminalitet, som består av att fel personer befinner sig på bygget och Stockholmshem har rätt att utestänga byggbolag som missköter sig från kommande upphandlingar. 

     Sammantaget finns flera organisationer som genomför viktigt arbete med kontroller mot byggkrimina-litet. Kontroll kostar dock pengar att genomföra, vilket exempelvis påverkar ett fastighetsbolags eko-nomi och i slutändan kommer att betalas av de boende. Om Sverige hade Finlands system där Skatte-förvaltningen har tillgång till siffror på antal anställda för varje entreprenör, entreprenörernas faktu-rering och samband mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare, så skulle kontrollen bli enklare och ändå tjäna samma syfte. Brottsbekämpningen skulle bli mer kraftfull och ge en större samlad effekt än vad enskilda goda initiativ kan ge. Det skulle dessutom ge färre förluster för statskassan, stödja hederliga byggföretag och på sikt relativt sett förmodligen ge lägre boendekostnader. Vi frågar oss hur mycket Sveriges arbetsgivaravgifter och inkomstskatter skulle öka om det finska systemet skulle införas.

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    Rättvist Byggande
  • 3.
    af Klintberg, Tord
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering.
    Björk, Folke
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings. Civil and Architectural Engineering.
    Västertorps simhall - Klorreduktion med hjälp av blått ljus och fotokatalys2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Västertorps simhall, byggd på 1960-talet, har försetts med partikelräkning och fotokatalys i reningsverket samt blått ljus i simhallen till en investeringskostnad på cirka två miljoner kronor. 


    ·       Fotokatalysen utförs med AOT-apparaturen, vilken består av en UV-lampa inuti ett rör, som på insidan är täckt med titanoxid. När UV-ljuset träffar titanoxiden splittras vattenmolekyler till väteatomer (H) och väteoxid (OH), där båda är starka radikaler. Dessa vattenradikaler oxiderar organiska ämnen till koldioxid och vatten och dödar mikroorganismer. Ungefär 20 % av det cirkulerande vattnet har gått igenom fotokatalysen.


    ·       Det blå ljuset i simhallen aktiverar porfyrinmolekyler inuti bakterier och detta skapar även här vattenradikaler, som dödar bakterien från insidan. Det blå ljuset har varit tänt på nätterna, alltså en tredjedel av dygnets alla timmar.


    ·       Partikelräknaren räknar partiklar i bakteriestorlek i denna studie och hypotesen var att det snabbt skulle gå att detektera en ökad bakterieförekomst i badvattnet. Det blev dock bakterietillväxt i slangen som leder till räknaren och slangvattnet kan inte antas vara representativt för bassängvattnet. 


    Västertorps simhall har kunnat sänka sin klortillsats till hälften, men ändå haft acceptabla låga bakteriehalter med inverkan av det blå ljuset och fotokatalysen, även om det blev större spridning av bakterienivåerna vid den lägsta klornivån (0,4 mg Cl/liter). Bakterienivåerna har alltså varit låga trots att hydrauliken (vattenflödet från bassäng till reningsverk och vice versa) i simhallen är uttalat dålig. Alla vattenkemiprover i studien visar också på i stort sett oförändrade resultat, jämfört med normal klorering. Dock har kloridhalten sänkts till signifikant lägre nivåer, vilket med hög grad av sannolikhet leder till längre livslängd för anläggningen. Det förefaller också som om luftkvaliteten har förbättrats med lägre klornivåer, mätningar visar på låga nivåer av den ohälsosamma gasen trikloramin. Med denna metod finns en risk att bakterieväxt sker i badets rörsystem och för att förhindra detta bör Västertorps simhall extrakloreras med jämna tidsintervall, med en tidsfrekvens som bör provas ut. 


    Blått ljus innebär en risk för ögon, men om det blå ljuset kan vara på alla dygnets timmar och om mer vatten kan gå genom fotokatalys, så skulle förmodligen klortillsatsen kunna sänkas ytterligare. Då skulle simhallen bestå längre tid och halten av ohälsosamma gaser minska ytterligare. Detta kommer dock i konflikt med myndigheters riktlinjer. Arbetsmiljöverket saknar relevanta riktlinjer för blått ljus i simhallar och Folkhälsomyndighetens riktlinjer avseende klorhalter avråder från ytterligare klorsänkningar. Relevant vetenskapligt arbete behövs för att myndigheterna ska kunna ändra sina riktlinjer, enligt frågorna:

    ·       Kan det blå ljuset vara på dygnet runt? Ett vetenskapligt utredande arbete krävs för att komplettera Arbetsmiljöverkets riktlinjer. Detta kan genomföras av forskare vid ST: Eriks Ögonsjukhus i samarbete med optiska forskare vid KTH.


    ·       Vilka bakterier växer under blått ljus, dels i badvattnet, dels på gångytor? Detta går att utröna med metodstudier av forskare på Karolinska Sjukhuset, som har metoder att jämföra simhallens bakterier med ett bibliotek med patogena bakterier.


    ·       Vad sker i fotokatalysen? En hypotes är att den ohälsosamma gasen trikloramin bildas tillsammans med urinämne, som avges i svett. Fotokatalysen kan eventuellt bryta ner urinämne till koldioxid och ammoniak och på så sätt bryts bildandet av trikloramin. Detta kan studeras med metodförsök på KTH/Kemi, som har tillgång till LC-MS (Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry) där urinämne kan detekteras.


    ·       Vad kan ge ytterligare minskad korrosion? Klorering bildar löst klorgas i badvattnet, som är mycket korrosivt, frånsett korrosion som sker via klorider. Sambandet kan undersökas av Rise/Korrosionsinstitutet vid olika klorid- och pH-nivåer med Institutets flödesmetod.


    Vidare visar denna studie att ytterligare försök med blått ljus och fotokatalys kan utföras på andra simhallar inom Stockholms Stad, i ett samarbete mellan Fastighetskontoret, Idrottsförvaltningen och Miljöförvaltningen. Förmodligen är det en fördel om även KTH kan engageras i detta arbete. Olika simhallar kan antas ha särskilda möjligheter och problem och då kan de forskningsperspektiv och kunskaper, som KTH erhållit vara till nytta.

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  • 4.
    af Klintberg, Tord
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Högberg, Lovisa
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Real Estate and Construction Management, Building and Real Estate Economics.
    Brick, Karolina
    Björk, Folke
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering.
    Kristoffersson, Jan
    Sustainable innovation.
    Riksbyggens renoveringsverkstad 2: Energieffektivisering i samband med renovering hos bostadsrättsföreningar2012Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The results of this project show that the main barrier is financial. It is difficult to justify measures such as additional insulation of facades or heat recovery from ventilation air, If you do not count with any real rising in energy prices. The individual cases can of course differ and it is important to examine the profitability of investments in connection with the planning of major maintenance and refurbishment. Ongoing technology development may also contribute to make this kind of measures more interesting in the future. The result from the previous project that optimizing measures (eg adjustment of the heating system) often are very profitable is also confirmed in this project. The economy would naturally be affected by introduction of policy instruments and incentives. However, it is quite doubtful to prioritize instruments for reducing heat used in apartment buildings, since this to a large extent is produced from renewable energy sources (compared to eg traffic).

    The project has also studied how the banking and insurance sectors could contribute to more energy efficiency in housing cooperatives. The conclusion is that these industries have a rather marginal ability to influence. However, there may be a possible "trigger effect” if there are special offers on the market for associations, actively working with their energy efficiency. The work continues to explore different possibilities in that area.

    The project has studied Riksbyggen’s current range of energy related services and has several suggestions for additional services and processes. This applies both to the long-term financial planning, which is an important factor for the cooperatives to be properly prepared for larger investments, and the more short-term / operational planning when the cooperatives are approaching decisions on major maintenance measures. Related to this, various forms of training, especially for the boards of the cooperatives, is of great importance. The project proposes a broad educational effort, based on role-playing. Riksbyggen may also develop the role as a competent discussions partner to the cooperatives and also encourage networking among housing cooperatives for facilitating dissemination of information and perhaps even coordination of efforts.


    This project is a direct continuation of the Riksbyggen’s renovation workshop. That project has analysed barriers to more extensive energy saving processes and how these can be bridged, based on housing cooperatives and the environment they are a part of. The project Riksbyggen’s renovation workshop was conducted as a joint project of Riksbyggen, KTH and Sustainable Innovation in 2010-2012 with the aim to highlight good examples of renovation efforts of housing cooperatives ,that can help reduce energy consumption. The project showed that there are good economic potential for energy savings, mainly through operational optimization and other less extensive measures.

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    Riksbyggens renoveringsverkstad 2
  • 5.
    Ahlstrand, Oskar
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Isaksson, Edith
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Ljudisolering inom småhus2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The report investigates sound insulation in detached houses with the aim of examining whichsound-insulating measures are carried out in apartment buildings and to what extent they canbe considered reasonable to apply in detached houses. The investigation is conducted as aliterature study and is limited to only include sound insulation within the dwelling and notsound that is transported from the outdoor environment into the dwelling. In summary, theresults indicate that there are a number of measures that can be applied, however, there is alack of incentives in the requirements set by BBR, and implementing such measures entailssignificant costs. In a market where demand for affordable housing is high, it becomesdifficult to find sufficient motivation to soundproof detached houses. Furthermore, it would beunrealistic to introduce stricter requirements for sound insulation without considering theconsequences it would entail.


  • 6.
    Ahmed, Aram
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Smart design och produktionsplanering för bjälklag av betong i flervåningshus2020Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 7.
    Al Dulaimi, Yasir
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Eriksson Manriquez, Philip
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Val av isoleringsmaterial med hjälp av parameteranalys2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In this essay, we will research how parameter analysis affects the choice of building materials,as well as its pros and cons. Parameter analysis is a method that compares different materialswith regard to, among other things, quantitative and qualitative properties, in order tosubsequently rank the materials and thus be able to make a material selection. The method cancontribute to several savings in the projects, in the form of, for example, reduced costs andtime optimization.The authors have chosen to compare three different insulation materials using parameteranalysis. These are cellulose, glass wool and styrofoam. Furthermore, it is studied whichparameters can be compared when choosing insulation material, if there are consequences fornot using parameter analysis in building projects and if there is an optimal insulation materialthat can be selected based on the models within the essay. The FAST-model and the qualityassessment are two of several models based on parameter analysis, and they are explained anddiscussed in the essay. Both models within the essay was analyzed and executed, to see ifthere was an optimal choice of insulation material. After implementing the parameteranalysis, cellulose was chosen as the most optimal insulation material.


  • 8.
    Al Tamimi, Alkasim
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Westberg, Marcus
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Småhusprojekt och fördjupning: Fördjupning: Hur påverkas husets energianvändning av valet mellan tung respektive lätt stomme?2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 9.
    Al-Bazarkan, Abdulla
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Ablahad, Mubashar
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Kandidatexamensarbete Småhusprojekt och fördjupnig2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 10.
    Al-bwab, Ibrahim
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Analyses of particulate matter movement between neighboring windows: Computational fluid dynamics study2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    To assess the possibility of this matter, natural ventilation was explained in relation to why individuals would consider using this type of ventilation in enclosed places and what parameters it depends on. Upon understanding those parameters and weighing their importance, several cases were identified to be examined using computational fluid dynamics tools to see the probability of this virus-laden particle to undergo a traveled trajectory between neighboring windows through the four dimensions of space and time. Thus, the case would then confirm if such a matter, if possible, occurs over distances where both indoor and outdoor conditions are simulated. It was also acknowledged that if these viruses happen to undergo such a trajectory, it would be a matter of likelihood to cause another individual to be infected since environmental conditions play a significant role in the natural decay of these airborne viruses.

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  • 11.
    Alirahmi, Seyed Mojtaba
    et al.
    Aalborg Univ, Dept Chem & Biosci, Niels Bohrs Vej, DK-6700 Esbjerg, Denmark..
    Behzadi, Amirmohammad
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering.
    Ahmadi, Pouria
    Univ Tehran, Coll Engn, Sch Mech Engn, Tehran, Iran..
    Sadrizadeh, Sasan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings. Mälardalen Univ, Sch Business Soc & Engn, Västerås, Sweden..
    An innovative four-objective dragonfly-inspired optimization algorithm for an efficient, green, and cost-effective waste heat recovery from SOFC2023In: Energy, ISSN 0360-5442, E-ISSN 1873-6785, Vol. 263, article id 125607Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This work proposes a novel yet practical dragonfly optimization algorithm that addresses four competing ob-jectives simultaneously. The proposed algorithm is applied to a hybrid system driven by the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) integrated with waste heat recovery units. A function-fitting neural network is developed to combine the thermodynamic model of the system with the dragonfly algorithm to mitigate the calculation time. According to the optimization outcomes, the optimum parameters create significantly more power and have a greater exergy efficiency and reduced product costs and CO2 emissions compared to the design condition. The sensitivity analysis reveals that while the turbine inlet temperatures of power cycles are ineffective, the fuel utilization factor and the current density significantly impact performance indicators. The scatter distribution indicates that the fuel cell temperature and steam-to-carbon ratio should be kept at their lowest bound. The Sankey graph shows that the fuel cell and afterburner are the main sources of irreversibility. According to the chord diagram, the SOFC unit with a cost rate of 13.2 $/h accounts for more than 29% of the overall cost. Finally, under ideal conditions, the flue gas condensation process produces an additional 94.22 kW of power and 760,056 L/day of drinkable water.

  • 12.
    Alkass, Magdalena
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Abdul Kevy, Ali
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Hållbart byggande ur ett socialt-, ekologiskt- och ekonomiskt perspektiv2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This report analyzes different building materials, from a sustainable perspective based on thethree dimensions ecological, social and economic sustainability. This with a focus on themost common building materials used for the frame in detached houses, including wood,steel and concrete. With the help of literature studies, the above dimensions have beenanalyzed to determine which is the choice of the most sustainable building material.It is stated that wood is preferable from an ecological and economic sustainabilityperspective, while concrete is the optimal choice from a social sustainability perspective.Materials should be selected based on what is to be built.


  • 13.
    Alkurdi, Rahaf
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Haidi, Nadja
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Småhusprojekt och fördjupning: Fördjupning: Vilka är korkens egenskaper som fasadbeklädnad för småhus?2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 14.
    Al-Rimahi, Amir
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Cleland, John
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Från traditionella småhus till smarta hem2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This report will review how sensors and new technology can be used to create energy-efficient and user-customized homes. Today, there are increasing demands for energy efficiency due to rising electricity prices and an uncertain macroeconomic environment. Innovative and sustainable solutions are required to address these issues. The purpose of this report is to examine the possibilities of using sensors to improve energy efficiency and meet the diverse needs of users. The research question is: How can sensors be used to enhance energy efficiency and user customization in a small house, and what opportunities and challenges do they present?The technical systems that have the most significant impact on energy efficiency in smart homes include HVAC systems, lighting, energy monitoring and solar panel systems. These systems can be controlled and monitored by the overarching Building Automation System (BAS), which enables users to control functions in their homes through mobile applications, for example.Three different user groups and their primary needs were studied. First, the single occupant with a focus on cost reduction, security and simplified daily life. Second, a family with two children, both suffering from asthma and allergies, with a focus on health and safety. Lastly, an elderly couple with a focus on proximity to healthcare and thermal comfort. The conclusion was that sensor technology can be used to meet the diverse needs of all users, but there are also security and privacy risks that need to be considered.

  • 15.
    Amjadimanesh, Hossein
    et al.
    School of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, 71345, Iran.
    Faramarzi, Mohammad
    Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Science, Shiraz, 71348, Iran.
    Sadrizadeh, Sasan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings. Department for Sustainable Environment and Community Development, Mälardalens University, Västerås, 72123, Sweden.
    Abouali, Omid
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, 71345, Iran.
    Micro-particle deposition in maxillary sinus for various sizes of opening in a virtual endoscopic surgery2023In: Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, ISSN 2661-8869, Vol. 5, no 3, p. 262-271Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Treatment of sinusitis by surgical procedures is recommended only when medication therapies fail to relieve sinusitis symptoms. In this study, a realistic 3D model of the human upper airway system was constructed based on CT images of an adult male and three different virtual functional endoscopic sinus surgeries (FESS), including only uncinectomy and uncinectomy with two different sizes of Middle Meatal Antrostomy (MMA) performed on that model. Airflow and deposition of micro-particles in the range of 1–30 µm were numerically simulated in the postoperative cases for rest and moderate activity breathing conditions. The results showed that the uncinate process alone protects the maxillary sinus well against the entry of micro-particles, and its removal by uncinectomy allows particles to deposit on the sinus wall easily. Generally, uncinectomy with a degree of MMA increases the number of deposited particles in the maxillary sinuses compared to uncinectomy surgery alone. In the studied models, the highest particle deposition in the maxillary sinuses occurred among particles with a diameter of 10–20 µm. Also, if a person inhales particles during rest breathing conditions at a low respiratory rate, the number of particles deposited in the sinuses increases. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

  • 16.
    Amjadimanesh, Hossein
    et al.
    Shiraz Univ, Sch Mech Engn, Shiraz, Iran..
    Norouzi, Mohammad
    Shiraz Univ, Sch Mech Engn, Shiraz, Iran..
    Johnson, Matthew S.
    Univ Copenhagen, Dept Chem, Copenhagen, Denmark..
    Sadrizadeh, Sasan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Abouali, Omid
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering. Shiraz Univ, Sch Mech Engn, Shiraz, Iran..
    The effect of body position while coughing on the airborne transmission of pathogens2022In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1070-6631, E-ISSN 1089-7666, Vol. 34, no 4, p. 041902-, article id 041902Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Given the recent acceptance of the central role of airborne transmission for SARS-CoV-2, increased attention has been paid to the dispersion of respiratory droplets in different scenarios. Studies including numerical simulations have been conducted on methods for breaking the chains of transmission. Here, we present the first such study on the impact of body position while coughing on the dispersion of respiratory droplets. Four scenarios are examined, including normal standing, bending the head at different angles, coughing into the elbow in still air, and a gentle breeze from the front and behind. The model showed that an uncovered cough is dangerous and causes many droplets to enter the environment, posing a cross-contamination threat to the others. Droplets with an initial diameter smaller than 62.5 mu m remain suspended in windless air for more than 3 min. In the presence of wind, these droplets move with the wind flow and may travel long distances greater than 3.5 m. The model showed that covering the mouth with the elbow while coughing is clearly the best strategy for reducing airborne transmission of exhaled pathogens. About 62% of the initial number of droplets deposit on the cougher's elbow immediately after the cough and have no chance of spreading through the air in both windless and windy conditions. Covering the cough in windless or light breeze conditions also causes the upward thermal plume around the body to expel many small droplets.

  • 17.
    Andersson, Julia
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Larsson, Fredrik
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    The Effect of Global Warming on the Indoor Environment: A Simulation Study on Single – Family Houses in the Stockholm Region2021Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In this thesis, the main objective has been to simulate and evaluate the change between the indoor climate today and 2070, due to climate change. The model created was built by parts chosen based on solutions and material commonly used when building single-family houses in the Stockholm region in 2020. This has been done by evaluating statistics, literature, common practices, and building requirements. To simulate a representative house, a model was built in the software IDA ICE where present and future climates were inserted and the resulting indoor environment evaluated. The future outdoor climate has been constructed through predictions based on scenarios determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The hypothesis was that single-family houses built in 2020 will not be habitable in 2070 due to the increased indoor temperatures in summer, and that changes can be done to combat this potential warming.The result of the simulations shows that the indoor environment was strongly dependent on the outdoor climate, building design, and technique. Meaning that changes to the building, regarding design, structure, material, and building services will result in a change in the indoor environment. Furthermore, the indoor temperatures of the model increased above acceptable levels regardless of future scenario. Several changes and additions to the model have, therefore, been tested to examine whether they reduce the maximum temperatures below the threshold sustainably.None of the individual changes reduced the temperatures below the acceptable levels for every single scenario and was considered a sustainable option at the same time. Some more sustainable modifications reduced the indoor temperatures below the threshold for the cooler scenarios, and some less sustainable modifications reduced the indoor temperatures below the threshold for all scenarios. A combination of more sustainable modifications was also tested, yielding a reduction in temperature beneath the threshold for all scenarios except for the two most extreme.The changed outdoor climate has a large effect on the simulated indoor environment. This could be considered as a strong indication that the actual indoor environment and thermal comfort of single-family houses will be affected as well. It is difficult to predict whether single-family houses in 2070 will be considered unhabitable since it is determined by a wide range of variables. The simulated indoor environment can, however, be improved by changing or adding parts to the model.

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  • 18.
    Andersson, Victor
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Väderprognosstyrda värmesystem i byggnader: En jämförelse mot traditionell styrning2019Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this essay is to investigate how forecast control can affect the energy consumption and the top effects for heating compared to the traditional control system in facilities with different building structures. In 2013 were the energy consumption 80 TWh for the heating and domestic hot water in resident buildings and facilities. This corresponds to 55 % of the total energy consumption within the building sector and facilities represent 28 % of the buildings. This indicates that there is room for efficiency for the heating systems in facilities.Demands from new directives for stricter energy consumptions for buildings are going to be established in the Swedish regulations and 19:th of June 2018 were the new amending directives published which need to be established in the Swedish regulations latest 10 March 2020. The demands on the buildings is pushed further and further. It is getting more difficult to reach the requirements from BBR and even more difficult to reach the requirements from environmental certifications like Miljöbyggnad. Therefore, it is important with detailed solutions that is able to lower the energy consumptions for the heating systems.A reference building has been used and created in the simulation software IDA ICE with three different building constructions to compare forecast control against the traditional control system. One with a large U-value and low amount of thermal mass, one with a smaller U-value and a low amount of thermal mass and one with a smaller U-value and a high amount of thermal mass.The centrally controlled forecast control is tested against the traditional controlled system for each building structure. Traditional controlled systems in facilities is normally using thermostatic valves, due to the lack of sustainability and the lack of maintenance the control systems are also tested without the thermostatic valves.The results for the forecast control indicate on an increase for the energy saving by 3.4 % without the thermostatic valves and an increase by 2.7 % with the thermostatic valves. The top effects can be improved with forecast control by 33 % without thermostatic valves and by 15 % with thermostatic valves. These improvements were made for the building construction with high amount of thermal mass. It is possible to argue for benefits with forecast control if it is installed in a heavy constructed building with regard to the decreased top effects. It is more difficult to argue for the benefits with regard to the energy consumption. Large benefits were found with in local control, especially for buildings with large U-value and low amount of thermal mass. The result indicated on an improvement of 30 % for the traditional control with thermostatic valves and of 28 % for the forecast control with thermostatic valves compared to the scenario without the thermostatic valves.Knowledge about the building characteristics has a significance for the choice of control system. According to the results forecast control may be a benefit with regard to the top effects if it is a heavy building construction. Regarding the energy consumption is the best strategy to carefully adjust and maintain the current traditional control system.

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  • 19.
    Angulo Diaz, Monica
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Environmental impact assessment of construction materials in a battery factory2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This paper explores the environmental impact of construction materials in a battery factory, with a particular focus on their global warming potential, acidification, and eutrophication potential. The production of construction materials is found to contribute significantly to the overall environmental impact of a building, with steel and concrete identified as having the highest impact among the materials analyzed. The GWP of steel and concrete production can range from 100 to 200 kg CO2eq/m2 and 10 to 20 kg CO2eq/m2, respectively. However, initiatives such as HYBRIT and H2Green steel involving the use of hydrogen in the steelmaking process have the potential to reduce emissions by up to 95 percent. Moreover, the carbon footprint of battery cell production is another critical aspect to consider. Northvolt has set an ambitious target to decrease the carbon footprint of its cell fabrication from 33 kg to 10 kg CO2eq./kWh by 2023. Additionally, in the product stage (A1-A3) when constructing the factory, a cell’s energy storage capacity only accounts for significantly less than 1 kg CO2eq./kWh. This means that Northvolt is heading in the right direction to achieve its goal. In conclusion, this paper highlights the urgent need for action in the building sector to reduce carbon emissions and promote greater sustainability. With greener initiatives, the steel industry can achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, which can contribute to achieving global carbon emission targets. It is critical to continue researching and implementing sustainable practices in the building sector as it plays a crucial role in reducing overall carbon emissions.

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  • 20.
    Ansari, Sahar
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Islam, Tania
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Teknisk beskrivning av småhusprojekt: Hållbarhet kring kyrkors materialval2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 21.
    Artin, Mirey
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Ansari, Shirin
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Småhusprojekt och fördjupning: Fördjupning: Brandskyddslösningar till trähus - brandskyddsmedel och byggtekniska lösningar2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 22.
    Attia, Dalia
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Småhusprojekt och fördjupning: Fördjupning: Ett tillgängligt hus för alla2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 23.
    Audish, Benil
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Sawmi, Isabella
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Småhusprojekt och fördjupning: Fördjupning: Effektivisering av tilläggsisolering för hus byggda under miljonprogrammet2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 24.
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Småhusprojekt och fördjupning: Hur påverkar skalets termiska egenskaper samt ventilationssystem husets energianvändning?2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 25.
    Badura, Andre
    et al.
    Univ Appl Sci Bldg Energy Technol, HTW Berlin, D-12459 Berlin, Germany..
    Mueller, Birgit
    Univ Appl Sci Bldg Energy Technol, HTW Berlin, D-12459 Berlin, Germany..
    Martinac, Ivo
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Managing climate-change-induced overheating in non-residential buildings2020In: 12th Nordic symposium on building physics (NSB 2020) / [ed] Kurnitski, J Kalamees, T, EDP Sciences , 2020, article id 02009Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Large and rapid climatic changes can be uncomfortable and sometimes hazardous to humans. Buildings protect people from external climatic conditions, and also mitigate the impacts of external climate extremes through their design and construction, as well as with the help of dedicated building service and other technical systems. Active space conditioning accounts for more than 30 per cent of the overall final energy use in Germany. In the life cycle of a building, the construction phase (planning and construction) is the phase with the shortest duration. However, the quality applied during this phase has a significant impact on the resources required, as well as the overall building performance during the much longer operational phase. Once built, buildings are often unable to adapt to boundary conditions that were not considered in the original building design. Consequently, changing outdoor climate conditions can result in an uncomfortable indoor climate over the lifetime of a building. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of flexible solutions for reducing winter heating loads and to reducing/avoiding summer cooling loads in nonresidential buildings in Germany. Various external shading scenarios for non-residential buildings were analysed using the IDA ICE indoor climate and energy simulation tool. Key simulation parameters included the orientation and location of the building, as well as the envelope structure. We investigated the impacts of solar shading on heat storage in the building mass and indoor climate and how different types of envelopes affect overall energy use. The result shows that the use of an adaptive building envelope allows a higher reduction of the total energy demand by 7 % to 15 % compared to an increase in insulation thickness only.

  • 26.
    Badura, André
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Martinac, Ivo
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Mueller, B.
    Managing overheating in buildings induced by climate change2020In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing Ltd , 2020, Vol. 588, no 5, p. 052016-Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Extended periods of drought, heavy rainfall and rapid changes between high and low outdoor temperature extremes have all been associated with global climate change. It is highly likely that a significant portion of climate change is anthropogenic. Large and rapid climatic changes have the potential to generate significant discomfort and even hazard to occupants. Well designed, constructed and managed buildings protect people from adverse climatic conditions and provide indoor spaces that foster well-being, health and productivity. Changing climatic conditions require innovative approaches to the design, building, management and use of comfortable and safe indoor environments. This study explores innovative approaches to reducing/avoiding climate-change-induced overheating in residential buildings in Northern Europe (Sweden and Germany), with a focus on managing heat loads during the summer season. Different approaches and measures are discussed, with relevance to building retrofitting and new construction. It is shown that the need for active cooling can be significantly reduced through good building design and smart climate control. Innovative insolation management devices are further shown to have the potential to reduce both winter heating and summer cooling loads. The study also explores the extent to which the intensity of urban heat islands can be reduced by addressing heat storage in the building structure. Innovative approaches to solar shading and heat protection are discussed as alternatives to heat load and indoor climate management.

  • 27.
    Barhebréus, William
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Utnyttjandet av solenergi för vår villa2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This report examines what conditions a specific detached house has for the use of solar energyand if solar energy can cover the entire house's energy needs. The report shows that the househas the right conditions for solar cells regarding the following aspects, location, roof (slope anddesign), choice of materials and economy. It turns out to be an investment that is profitable tomake if you want to reduce your electricity costs while contributing to a better environment. Thereport also shows that the entire house's energy needs can be covered by solar energy from solarcells when a large surplus of electricity is produced during the period March–October,difficulties arise in storing the surplus of electricity for the period November–February whenthere is a deficit of electricity and thus must supplement with another energy source during thesemonths, such as a water jacketed stove.

  • 28.
    Batjargal, Telmen
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Kairouz, Malhab
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Jordbävningsteknik för broar2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In summary, this report demonstrates different earthquake engineering methods applied in bridges. The methods have thereafter been discussed and compared to each other. This report is only limited to a study based on literature, therefore no calculations will be carried out. The results show a variety of methods that are implemented in different ways and have different qualities. The deformation method is designed such that components of the construction have the ability to manage the energy from seismic forces and can be found all over the bridge and uses plastic deformation as means. While the seismic isolation system disperses the same energy and is installed at piers of the bridge. The isolation systems sliding bearings and laminated rubber bearings are often times placed between the pier and the deck. Lastly there is a device with the name “tuned mass damper” that resists the forces that have been named before. Same thing can be done with “Tuned Liquid Damper”. These systems, unlike the others examples, are placed in the superstructure itself.

  • 29.
    Baud, Clémence
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Study of the Net-Zero Potential of Renovated Buildings in European Countries: Comparison of the EnerPHit Label with National Renovation Requirements in European Countries2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    To mitigate the environmental impact of the building industry, the European Commission is promoting energy efficiency. Increasing the annual renovation rate of the building stock is a priority. Buildings must achieve a new standard: the Net Zero building. To be Net Zero, a building must produce enough renewable energy to balance what it consumes over a year. The Passive house institute points out two drawbacks in this standard: First, the storage losses of renewable energy are not taken into account. Second, the Net Zero definition is adapted and different in every EU country. The institute developed the EnerPHit standard to tackle these drawbacks.

    The Net Zero concept has various definitions, the Passive House institute defines a Net Zero Building as a building producing enough renewable energy within its footprint to balance its annual primary energy renewable (PER) consumption. We introduce the Net Zero Potential (NZP) of a building: its energy production divided by its PER consumption. To evaluate the NZP of EnerPHit renovated buildings comparing to the NZP of national renovations, twelve study cases with different typologies and locations are analyzed. The buildings are located in Germany, Spain, Greece, and France. These locations have different climates, regulations, and energy mix. In this study, we consider photovoltaic panels as our unique renewable source, taking the LCA of the panel into account.

    As a result, the EnerPHit NZP varies between -13% and +124% compared to the national requirement NZP. The results vary depending on the typology and location of the building. EnerPHit renovation have, on average, a higher NZP than national renovations. The gap between the NZP of EnerPHit buildings compared to the NZP of buildings renovated according to national regulations is higher in Germany than in the other countries, and for five-story buildings than for other buildings. The gap is smaller in Greece compared to other countries and for three-story buildings compared to other building types.

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  • 30.
    Behzadi, Amirmohammad
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Building Technology and Design.
    Alirahmi, Seyed Mojtaba
    Aalborg Univ, Dept Chem & Biosci, Esbjerg, Denmark..
    Yu, Haoshui
    Aalborg Univ, Dept Chem & Biosci, Esbjerg, Denmark..
    Sadrizadeh, Sasan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings. Mälardalen Univ, Sch Business, Soc & Engn, Västerås, Sweden..
    An efficient renewable hybridization based on hydrogen storage for peak demand reduction: A rule-based energy control and optimization using machine learning techniques2023In: Journal of Energy Storage, ISSN 2352-152X, E-ISSN 2352-1538, Vol. 57, article id 106168Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The present study proposes and thoroughly examines a novel approach for the effective hybridization of solar and wind sources based on hydrogen storage to increase grid stability and lower peak load. The parabolic trough collector, vanadium chloride thermochemical cycle, hydrogen storage tank, alkaline fuel cells, thermal energy storage, and absorption chiller make up the suggested smart system. Additionally, the proposed system includes a wind turbine to power the electrolyzer unit and minimize the size of the solar system. A rule-based control technique establishes an intelligent two-way connection with energy networks to compensate for the energy expenses throughout the year. The transient system simulation (TRNSYS) tool and the engineering equation solver program are used to conduct a comprehensive techno-economic-environmental assessment of a Swedish residential building. A four-objective optimization utilizing MATLAB based on the grey wolf algorithm coupled with an artificial neural network is used to determine the best trade-off between the indicators. According to the results, the primary energy saving, carbon dioxide reduction rate, overall cost, and purchased energy are 80.6 %, 219 %, 14.8 $/h, and 24.9 MWh at optimal conditions. From the scatter distribution, it can be concluded that fuel cell voltage and collector length should be maintained at their lowest domain and the electrode area is an ineffective parameter. The suggested renewable-driven smart system can provide for the building's needs for 70 % of the year and sell excess production to the local energy network, making it a feasible alternative. Solar energy is far less effective in storing hydrogen over the winter than wind energy, demonstrating the benefits of combining renewable energy sources to fulfill demand. By lowering CO2 emissions by 61,758 kg, it is predicted that the recommended smart renewable system might save 7719 $ in environmental costs, equivalent to 6.9 ha of new reforestation.

  • 31.
    Behzadi, Amirmohammad
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Building Technology and Design.
    Duwig, Christophe
    KTH, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH), Chemical Engineering, Process Technology. KTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), Centres, KTH Climate Action Centre, CAC.
    Ploskic, Adnan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Building Technology and Design. Bravida Holding AB, Mikrofonvägen 28, SE-12637, Hägersten, Sweden.
    Holmberg, Sture
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Sadrizadeh, Sasan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Building Technology and Design. School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden.
    Application to novel smart techniques for decarbonization of commercial building heating and cooling through optimal energy management2024In: Applied Energy, ISSN 0306-2619, E-ISSN 1872-9118, Vol. 376, article id 124224Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The present article proposes a novel smart building energy system utilizing deep geothermal resources through naturally-driven borehole thermal energy storage interacting with the district heating network. It includes an intelligent control strategy for lowering operational costs, making better use of renewables, and avoiding CO2 emissions by eliminating heat pumps and cooling machines to address the heating and cooling demands of a commercial building in Uppsala, a city near Stockholm, Sweden. After comprehensively conducting techno-environmental and economic assessments, the system is fine-tuned using artificial neural networks (ANN) for optimization. The study aims to determine which ANN design and training procedure is the most efficient in terms of accuracy and computing speed. It also assesses well-known optimization algorithms using the TOPSIS decision-making technique to find the best trade-off among various indicators. According to the parametric results, deeper boreholes can collect more geothermal energy and reduce CO2 emissions. However, deep drilling becomes more expensive overall, suggesting the need for multi-objective optimization to balance costs and techno-environmental benefits. The results indicate that Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms offer the optimum trade-off between computation time and error minimization. From a TOPSIS perspective, while the dragonfly algorithm is not ideal for optimizing the suggested system, the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm is the most efficient since it yields more ideal points rated below 100. The optimization yields a higher energy production of 120 kWh/m2, as well as a decreased levelized cost of energy of 57 $/MWh, a shorter payback period of two years, and a reduced CO2 index of 1.90 kg/MWh. The analysis reveals that despite the high investment costs of 382.50 USD/m2, the system is financially beneficial in the long run due to a short payback period of around eight years, which aligns with the goals of future smart energy systems: reduce pollution and increase cost-effectiveness.

  • 32.
    Behzadi, Amirmohammad
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Building Technology and Design.
    Gholamian, Ehsan
    Univ Tabriz, Fac Mech Engn, Tabriz, Iran..
    Alirahmi, Seyed Mojtaba
    Aalborg Univ, Dept Chem & Biosci, DK-6700 Esbjerg, Denmark..
    Nourozi, Behrouz
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Sadrizadeh, Sasan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings. Mälardalen Univ, Sch Business Soc & Engn, S-72123 Västerås, Sweden..
    A comparative evaluation of alternative optimization strategies for a novel heliostat-driven hydrogen production/injection system coupled with a vanadium chlorine cycle2022In: Energy Conversion and Management, ISSN 0196-8904, E-ISSN 1879-2227, Vol. 267, p. 115878-, article id 115878Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper introduces an innovative and cost-effective multi-generation plant, driven by the central receiverbased concentrated solar systems, to facilitate the desired global green-transition process. The vanadium chlorine thermochemical cycle, which uses hydrogen instead of natural gas in the combustion chamber, is used as an innovative approach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The proposed system also includes a thermoelectric generator (TEG) for excess power generation and a multi-effect desalination (MED) unit to reduce exergy loss. The suggested system's technological, economic, and environmental metrics are analyzed and compared to a similar system that stores the created hydrogen rather than burning it in the combustion chamber. Furthermore, the viability of the studied model is investigated under the optimal operating condition, using the example of Sevilla in order to make the conclusions more reliable. According to the findings, the suggested novel configuration is a better alternative in terms of cost and environmental impact owing to decreased product energy costs and CO2 emissions. The outcomes further indicate that the substitution of the condenser with TEG leads to considerably higher power production. According to the optimization findings, the multi-objective grey wolf algorithm is the best optimization strategy compared to the non-dominated genetic and particle swarm approaches. At the best optimization point, 2.5% higher exergy efficiency, 1 $/GJ cheaper product energy cost, and 0.12 kg/kWh lower levelized CO2 emission are achieved compared to the operating condition. The Sankey diagram indicates that the solar heliostat system has the highest irreversibility. The exergy analysis results further reveal that the flue gas condensation process through the Rankine cycle and MED unit lead to a 53.2% reduction in exergy loss. Finally, considerable CO2 emission reductions show that the suggested new method is an effective solution for cleaner energy production in warmer climate countries.

  • 33.
    Behzadi, Amirmohammad
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering.
    Holmberg, Sture
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering.
    Duwig, Christophe
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering.
    Haghighat, Fariborz
    Concordia Univ, Dept Bldg Civil & Environm Engn, Montreal, PQ H3G1M8, Canada..
    Ooka, Ryozo
    Univ Tokyo, Inst Ind Sci, 4-6-1,Komaba,Meguro Ku, Tokyo 1538505, Japan..
    Sadrizadeh, Sasan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings. Mälardalen Univ, Sch Business Soc & Engn, S-72123 Västerås, Sweden..
    Smart design and control of thermal energy storage in low-temperature heating and high-temperature cooling systems: A comprehensive review2022In: Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, ISSN 1364-0321, E-ISSN 1879-0690, Vol. 166, p. 112625-, article id 112625Article, review/survey (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Thermal energy storage (TES) is recognized as a well-established technology added to the smart energy systems to support the immediate increase in energy demand, flatten the rapid supply-side changes, and reduce energy costs through an efficient and sustainable integration. On the utilization side, low-temperature heating (LTH) and high-temperature cooling (HTC) systems have grown popular because of their excellent performance in terms of energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and ease of integration with renewable resources. This article presents the current state-of-the-art regarding the smart design of TES integrated with LTH and HTC systems. TES is first explained in basic concepts, classification, and design possibilities. Secondly, the literature on well-known existing control approaches, strategies, and optimization methods applied to thermal energy storage is reviewed. Thirdly, the specifications, types, benefits, and drawbacks of the LTH and HTC systems from the viewpoints of supply and demand sides are discussed. Fourthly, the smart design of TES integrated with the LTH and HTC systems based on the control approach/strategy, optimization method, building type, and energy supplier is investigated to find the newest technology, ideas, and features and detect the existing gaps. The present article will provide a realistically feasible solution for having a smart storage configuration with the maximum possible energy efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness for the building owners and the energy suppliers.

  • 34.
    Behzadi, Amirmohammad
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Building Technology and Design.
    Nourozi, Behrouz
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Building Technology and Design.
    Harsem, Trond Thorgeir
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings. Norconsult AS, 1338 Sandvika, Norway.
    Sadrizadeh, Sasan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Building Technology and Design. School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden.
    A smart zero-energy building having bidirectional interaction with electricity/heating networks: An attempt to achieve a higher renewable penetration2023In: 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, IAQVE C2023, EDP Sciences , 2023, article id 03014Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The present research introduces an innovative zero-energy building complex equipped with a rule-based control approach for higher integration of renewable resources in the local energy network while bringing down energy costs. The idea centers on establishing several smart controllers to achieve a bidirectional interaction with the heating/electricity network for peak demand shaving and mitigate energy costs. The proposed system comprises Alkaline fuel cells integrated with a hydrogen storage tank driven by either a vanadium chloride cycle or an electrolyzer unit. The system also has an absorption chiller and smart thermal energy storage to supply the heating and cooling demands. TRNSYS-MATLAB developed code is applied to assess the system's indicators from techno-economic standpoints for a residential building complex in the Scandinavian climate. Also, the parametric investigation and time-dependent analysis are carried out to examine the impact of decision parameters and the ambient condition. According to the results, the solar system's physical appearance is very important since it significantly affects performance efficiency and total cost. The results further reveal that picking up the cells' current from 300 A to 500 A improves the performance efficiency by around 12% while lowering the total cost, illustrating the importance of optimization. The results highlight the importance of smart controllers by showing that over 70% of the year's net energy values are positive, indicating that the proposed system may meet demand and sell excess electricity+heating productions to regional networks. The results further demonstrate that since the net energy values are positive for the majority of days in the spring and summer, the system might operate more independently from the local energy networks on warmer days. Eventually, the higher share of solar in summer and wind energy in colder days for hydrogen production shows that the renewable resources combination results in a secure energy supply to obtain the highest independence from the local grid throughout the year.

  • 35.
    Behzadi, Amirmohammad
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Building Technology and Design.
    Sadrizadeh, Sasan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings. Mälardalen Univ, Sch Business Soc & Engn, Västerås, Sweden..
    A rule-based energy management strategy for a low-temperature solar/ wind-driven heating system optimized by the machine learning-assisted grey wolf approach2023In: Energy Conversion and Management, ISSN 0196-8904, E-ISSN 1879-2227, Vol. 277, p. 116590-, article id 116590Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This work presents an innovative, practical, and cost-effective solution for advancing state-of-the-art intelligent building energy systems and aiding the intended worldwide green transition with maximum renewable inte-gration. The vanadium chloride cycle, electrolyzer unit, and Alkaline fuel cell are powered by the sun's and wind's energy to produce/store/use hydrogen. A rule-based control scheme is designed to provide a sophisticated interplay between the demand/supply sides, components, and local energy networks to reduce peak capacity, lower emissions, and save energy costs. TRNSYS is used to analyze and compare the techno-economic-environmental indicators of the conventional system and the suggested smart model for a multi-family build-ing in Sweden. A grey wolf method is built in MATLAB with the help of machine learning to determine the optimum operating state with the maximum accuracy and the least amount of computational time. The results reveal that the suggested smart model considerably saves energy and money compared to the conventional system in Sweden while lowering CO2 emissions. According to the optimization results, the grey wolf optimizer and machine learning techniques enable greater total efficiency of 13 %, higher CO2 mitigation of 8 %, a larger cost saving of 38 %, and a reduced levelized energy cost of 41 $/MWh. The scatter distribution of important design parameters shows that altering the fuel cell current and electrode area considerably impacts the system's performance from all angles. The bidirectional connection of the proposed smart system with the heating and electrical networks through the rule-based controller demonstrates that it can supply the building's energy re-quirements for more than 300 days of the year. Eventually, the major contribution of the vanadium chloride cycle in the summer and the electrolyzer in the winter to the creation of hydrogen highlights the significance of renewable hybridization in reducing the dependence of buildings on energy networks.

  • 36.
    Behzadi, Amirmohammad
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Building Technology and Design.
    Sadrizadeh, Sasan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings. School of Business, Society, and Engineering, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden.
    Grid-tied solar and biomass hybridization for multi-family houses in Sweden: An optimal rule-based control framework through machine learning approach2023In: Renewable energy, ISSN 0960-1481, E-ISSN 1879-0682, Vol. 218, article id 119230Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article proposes a cutting-edge smart building design that contributes to sustainable development objectives by fostering clean energy, facilitating sustainable cities and communities, and promoting responsible consumption and production. The main goal is to create a clever rule-based framework that will boost the penetration of renewable energy in local grids, reduce the size of the components and, consequently, investment costs, and promote the shift towards a more environmentally friendly future. The system is driven by photovoltaic thermal panels, a novel biomass heater scheme, and a scaled-down heat pump to supply the entire energy demands of multi-family houses. The grey wolf optimizer and a cascade forward neural network model achieve the most optimal condition. According to the results, the suggested smart model outperforms the conventional Swedish system, with an energy cost of 121.2 €/MWh and a low emission index of 11.2 kg/MWh. The results show that knowing how biomass price changes affect the heat pump's operational mode is crucial to ensuring the system's economic viability. In comparison to the design condition, the optimized model increased efficiency by 3.8% while decreasing overall cost (2.1 €/h), emission index (4.4 kg/MWh), and energy costs (29.9 $/MWh). The results further demonstrate that the heat pump meets the vast majority of the year's heating needs, but as electricity prices rise in December, the biomass heater becomes the principal energy provider. May is the month with the lowest average monthly cost, while December and July stand out as the most expensive months of the year due to a dramatic increase in demand. Eventually, the results show that the system runs without external energy sources through the designed optimal control framework and generates excess electricity for around half the year.

  • 37.
    Berg, Niclas
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Bergman, Lucas
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Hur påverkar rådande klimatförändringar det geotekniska underlaget längs med Klarälven?2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    As climate change accelerates, understanding its potential effects on our environment and infrastructure has become more urgent than ever. This report explores how the stability of slopes along the Klarälven River is affected as rainfall intensifies and groundwater levels rise. A hypothetical slope has been created using analyzed data obtained from various well-established sources. The hypothetical slope has a 2:1 inclination and a height of 3 meters. By analyzing an increase in groundwater level for the hypothetical slope, we reveal the potential risks of landslides and explore possible measures to address these threats. Our results indicate that a groundwater rise of just over one meter causes the slope to fail.

  • 38.
    Berg, Theodor
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Tecle, Senai
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Underjordisk lufttunnel och Trombevägg - Som passiva kyl- och uppvärmningssystem med en fallstudie på Eco Tiny House, Lund2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In this study we investigate two different passive cooling and heating methods, Trombe wall and Earth Air Tunnel Heat engine (EATHE). Both systems have environmental advantages and are energy efficient alternatives to active cooling and heating methods. They utilize natural resources and processes to regulate indoor temperatures. The Trombe wall stores solar energy and uses the heat to increase the indoor temperature, while EATHE uses the soils thermal energy to either heat or cool air that streams through an underground pipe. The Trombe wall harnesses and stores solar energy, which is then used for heating buildings. The system is most efficient in warmer weather and less efficient in overcast climates, which conditions the use for the system in many European countries. The Trombe walls performance is highly dependent on the design and placement of the wall, the attributes of the building material and the climate conditions. The EATHE also depends on the climate conditions, but mostly the chemical composition of the soil. The system doesn't perform as well in colder climates because of the lack of energy stored in the soil. In order to meet the regulations of Boverket, can the system be optimized by installing fas and sensors to ensure a constant airflow which meets the requirements. Project Eco Tiny House in Lund established a successful application of the Trombe-wall in combination with two other systems, a green wall and geothermal heat. The Trombe-wall was the most efficient in comparison with the other systems. In comparison with a standard wall construction of vertical wooden panel, Trombe-wall reduced the heat demand by 20% and all the systems combined reduced the heat demand by 52%.

  • 39.
    Bergholm, Anton
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Rydhäll, Elias
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Småhusprojekt och fördjupning: Fördjupning: Fotbollsplaner under vintersäsongen2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 40.
    Berglund, Josefin
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Fallstudie av ett samverkansprojekt med sidoentreprenader: Ur arbetsmiljösynpunkt2022Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In Stockholm there are many urban development projects ongoing, and the most commonwork form is partnering contract. To ensure the economy the landowner (often a municipality)need to have multiple projects working parallel with each other inside the exploitation area.This report analyzed how the working environment in partnering can be ensured and thechallenges for the role of BAS-U with surrounding construction projects.A case study was made by mapping the meaning of partnering and the role of BAS-Uregarding the work environment. Four interviews were completed with the management andinternal documents were reviewed to get a higher understanding of the entrepreneur in theproject. Also information from the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the SwedishWork Environment Act has been important foundations for the case study.The results shows that more is required from everyone involved in the project to keep a goodworking environment in a project of this size. It is important that all parts respect thecomplexity of partnering and the responsibility a BAS-U must take, especially in the earlystages where most of the routines establishes. To be successful in a partnering there need tobe trust, willingness to cooperate and good communication. Preferably the roles of BAS-Uand Production Manager should be divided between two persons. It is also important to havea coordination meeting between the different actors’ BAS-U to minimize the risk of conflictsat the construction site.To summarize, when there are many actors on a small area, a good project planning andcommunication is everything. There is a lot of knowledge and experience in the buildingindustry, so with the right mindset it is possible to build cost-effectively without having tocompromise the working environment.

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  • 41.
    Bergman, Martin
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    De Vall, Tobias
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Småhusprojekt och fördjupning: Fördjupning: Möjligheten att skapa ett självförsörjande hus utifrån ett energiperspektiv2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 42.
    Bergqvist, Emma
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Inomhusklimat i utbildningslokaler: En fallstudie i en universitetsbyggnad på KTH i Stockholm2019Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 43.
    Berman, Jordan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Energy-Efficient Retrofits on an Existing Home in Coimbra, Portugal: A dynamic assessment of environmental performance for future climate and energy mix scenarios2022Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This work introduces a method, called the dynamic building life cycle, to evaluate theenvironmental performance for residential renovation products. The method goes beyond a fullbuildinglife cycle by accounting for the changing dry bulb temperature and greenhouse gas (GHG)intensity over a 30-year period between 2020 and 2050. This method is a combination of using (1) lifecycle assessment and environmental product declarations to determine environmental impact fromrenovation products, (2) climate projections and the morphing algorithm to determine future drybulb temperature, (3) GHG intensity projections based on five different e-Highway2050 (eHW) projectscenarios to predict the future state of national energy mix and (4) whole building energy simulationsto calculate final energy demand. The work focuses on a case-study comparing renovation productsapplied to a single-family home located in Coimbra, Portugal. Renovations include replacing existingwindows with double-glazed and triple-glazed windows along with three different insulationmaterials for Exterior Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS).The results show that all renovation products reduced the overall emissions over the dynamicbuilding life cycle compared to base model, however, improving the thermal insulation wassignificantly more effective than upgrading the windows across all eHW scenarios. From theinsulation materials, XPS provided the best combination of low environmental impact and thermalproperties to reduce the total GHG emissions, although EPS and mineral wool insulation performedsimilarly well. Despite having a low overall effect compared to the ETICS, triple-glazed windowsoutperformed double-glazed windows with 26% more reduction in GHG emissions on average acrossall eHW scenarios. The impact of using a dynamic building life cycle was compared to simplifiedmethods. For instance, depending on the eHW scenario a comparison where the GHG intensity wereto remain constant over the building life cycle could lead to a 5% under estimation or 30% overestimation for final GHG emissions compared to the dynamic method. Whereas if the climate were toremain constant the final emissions would be about 5% overestimation compared to the dynamicmethod.

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  • 44.
    Björk, Folke
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    af Klintberg, Tord
    Extra material till:  Simhallar – ett övergripande perspektiv på teknik, hälsa, beständighet och ekonomi: Från projektet:Nordic Built: Evaluation and Renovation of Ice Halls and Swimming Halls - NERIS2019Collection (editor) (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Till rapporten: Simhallar – ett övergripande perspektiv på teknik, hälsa, beständighet och ekonomi finns en del extra material som stöder rapporten men som är svårt att komma åt. Vi har därför beslutat att göra materialet tillgängligt på detta sätt för att den som är intresserad av simhallar ska kunna få en egen djupare insikt.

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    Bilaga 1 Hygienråd
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    Bilaga 2 Städråd med checklista
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    Bilaga 3 Sammanfattning av tysk standard för rengöring av simhallar
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    Bilaga 4 Beständiga Badhus Korrosion
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    Bilaga 5 Betongsprickor
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    Bilaga 6 PM redox
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    Bilaga 7 Badhusrenovering och underhåll
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    Bilaga 8 Västertorp
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    Bilaga 9 Badmästaren
  • 45.
    Björk, Folke
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    af Klintberg, Tord
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Riksbyggens renoveringsverkstad2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Projektet Riksbyggens renoveringsverkstad del 1 och del 2 drevs som ett gemensamt projekt av Riksbyggen, KTH och Sustainable Innovation med syfte att lyfta fram goda exempel på renoveringsinsatser hos bostadsrättsföreningar som kan bidra till att minska energianvändningen. Projektet gjordes i två delar under 2010-2014.


    En slutsats från del 1 är att det bör göras fler utvärderingar på genomförda energisparprojekt. Dessa projekts ekonomiska nytta bör så bedömas efter sitt ekonomiska resultat och inte på sin eventuella pay-off tid. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen av detta arbete är att det finns energibesparande åtgärder som är direkt lönsamma. Det är då närmast en pedagogisk och politisk uppgift att se till att så många sådana projekt som möjligt blir genomförda.


    Andra noteringar är att eftersom det är bostadsrättsföreningarna själva som har att besluta om rätta och möjliga åtgärder. De behöver dels utvärderade exempel som kan tjäna som inspiration, samt ofta en förhöjd kunskap om sina egna fastigheter. Till hjälp för detta finns nu projektets arbete tretton utvärderade exempel och en lathund för hur nya ”Goda Exempel” ska kunna tas fram.


    Riksbyggen renoveringsverkstad del 2 tar utgångspunkt från bostadsrättsföreningarna och den omvärld de möter, med analys av hinder för mer långtgående energisparprocesser och hur dessa kan överbryggas. Projektens resultat visar på att det främsta hindret är rent ekonomiskt. Om man inte räknar med realt stigande energipriser är det svårt att motivera insatser som t.ex. tilläggsisolering av fasader eller värmeåtervinning av ventilationsluft. De enskilda fallen kan dock naturligtvis avvika och det är viktigt att undersöka lönsamheten för denna typ investeringar i samband med planering av större underhållsåtgärder och ombyggnationer. Det finns också en pågående teknikutveckling som kan göra denna typ av insatser mer intressanta framöver. Däremot bekräftas bilden från del 1 av projektet att driftoptimerande åtgärder (t.ex. injustering av värmesystemet) ofta är mycket lönsamma.


    Projektets del 2 har även studerat hur bank-och försäkringsbranscherna skulle kunna medverka till att mer energieffektivisering blir verklighet hos bostadsrättsföreningarna. Slutsatsen är att dessa branscher har en ganska marginell möjlighet till påverkan. Det kan dock finnas en möjlig ”trigger-effekt” om det finns specialerbjudanden på marknaden för föreningar som arbetar aktivt med sin energieffektivisering.


    Projekten har studerat Riksbyggens nuvarande tjänsteutbud inom energiområdet och har flera förslag på kompletterande tjänster och processer. Det gäller dels den långsiktiga finansiella planeringen som utgör en viktig faktor för att föreningarna har beredskap att genomföra motiverade investeringar, dels den mer kortsiktiga/operativa när föreningen närmar sig beslut om större underhållsåtgärder. Kopplat till detta kan olika former av kompetensutveckling, framför allt av styrelser ha stor betydelse. Riksbyggen kan också utveckla sin roll som diskussionspart med föreningarnas styrelser för att bedöma olika alternativa insatser/investeringar och även för att skapa nätverk med flera bostadsrättsföreningar för att underlätta informationsspridning och kanske till och med medföra samordning av insatser mellan flera föreningar.

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    Riksbyggens renoveringsverkstad Del 1
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    Riksbyggens renoveringsverkstad del 2
  • 46.
    Björk, Folke
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    af Klintberg, Tord
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Gudmundsson, Kjartan
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Simhallar – ett övergripande perspektiv på teknik, hälsa, beständighet och ekonomi2019Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Simhallar har olika problem, avseende både hälsoaspekter och beständighet. Dessutom förbrukar simhallar stora resurser ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Neris-projektet har skaffat sig ett helikopterperspektiv på simhallars olika delar och risker och många av dessa risker orsakas av desinfektionen av badvattnet. I dagsläget så syftar hygien, rengöring och desinfektion främst till att hålla mikroorganismer på låga nivåer och det är viktigt att hygienen samt rengöringen optimeras. När det gäller desinfektionen av badvattnet så har klorering används under mycket lång tid, metoden är mycket effektiv för att döda de flesta mikroorganismerna, men orsakar även lungbesvär och korrosion som förkortar hallarnas livslängd.

    Denna rapport har inte hittat några vetenskapliga artiklar som belägger vilka kloreringsnivåer som bör tillämpas i en simhall. Dessa nivåer förefaller basera sig på tradition och på ett kunskapsläge då lungbesvär och korrosion inte beaktades. Det är tveksamt om exempelvis Folkhälsomyndighetens gränsvärden för klorhalter är grundade på ett spårbart sätt i vetenskapliga arbeten, som de bör vara.

    Det vore önskvärt att vetenskapligt undersöka vilka klornivåer som är tillräckliga och göra en sammansatt optimering med avseende på mikroorganismer, lungbesvär och korrosion.

    Blått ljus i simhall och fotokatalys i reningsverk  reducerar behovet av klorering, vilket har visats i Enskedehallens babysim. Vidare är det möjligt att få en bättre beskrivning av den mikrobiella situationen i badvatten med hjälp av partikelmätning, vilket kan minska de bakteriella riskerna i en simhall.  Dessa metoder bör bli föremål för vidare forskning.

    Hur stor är den sammanlagda korrosiviteten i en simhallsbyggnad? Det finns olika faktorer som samverkar i en simhall, som hög temperatur, högt fuktinnehåll i luften, klorider, underklorsyrlighet, och säkert fler faktorer, som inte är identifierade. Det är en forskningsuppgift att utföra olika metodtester för de olika delarnas korrosiva del och samverkande korrosivitet. Det finns inga rutiner för att avlägsna klorider som hamnat i simhallsrummet. Det vore bra att utarbeta sådana rutiner.  

    Det kan finnas ett motsatsförhållande mellan beständighet och energibesparing. Exempelvis så sparas energi om ett minimum av vatten blöder av, men detta ökar kloridkoncentrationen i badvattnet. På samma sätt ökas kloridkoncentrationen i simhallsbyggnaden om luften får gå i rundgång med ökad korrosionsrisk som följd.

    Avdunstningen är mycket energikrävande och det vore då intressant att minimera ventilationen över vattenytan. Den ventilationen är i dagsläget behövlig för att få bort skadliga gaser, exempelvis kloroform och trikloramin, som är en följd av kloreringen. Om klorering kan minska så kan även ventilationen över vattenytan minimeras, med energibesparing som följd

    Simhallsprojektet i Stad x riskerar att bli mellan 50 och 100 miljoner dyrare än vad som beräknades i förstudien. Förstudien har visat sig att vara optimistisk med avseende på fördelar, men svag med avseende på kostnader. Detta har försatt staden i en ekonomisk knipa, som riskerar att exempelvis materialval blir sämre med kortare beständighet som följd.. Förstudier inför ett simhallsbygge kan bli bättre. Det vore till exempel bra att göra en tredjepartskontroll med avseende på intäkter och kostnader.

    En kommun skulle kunna etablera en expertgrupp av kunniga tekniker och ekonomer som skulle kunna beakta och besluta över tekniska renoverings-, underhåll- och driftsfrågor. Detta vore en strategisk kunskap, som vore bra att ha in house.

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  • 47.
    Björk, Sofie
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Stragliotto, Simon
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Småhusprojekt och fördjupning: Fördjupning: Optimal solcellsvinkel för maximal solinstrålning på hustak2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 48.
    Bohlin, Fabian
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Lins, Oskar
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Svenska passivhus - En analys av dess klimatpåverkan samt utsträckning i Sverige2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This bachelor's thesis aims to discuss why passive houses are not being constructed to a greaterextent and to make a comparison between a passive house and a standard house from a climateperspective, specifically in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions during the constructionphase and operational phase. The buildings chosen for the comparison are “Rektangeln”preschool in Gnarp, which is a passive house, and the “Maja” apartment building in Gubbängen.Initially, background information, data collection, and literature studies are presented as the basisfor the discussion and results. Interviews with professionals in the construction industry form thebasis for the non-quantitative research questions. Data supporting the advantages of passivehouses from a climate and building technology perspective are analyzed and compiled to make aquantifiable comparison with a standard house. The comparison is made regarding carbondioxide equivalent emissions, thermal resistance, and heat transfer coefficient of buildingelements in a wall from each respective building.The work has resulted in several conclusions that can be considered as possible reasons for thelimited prevalence of passive houses in Sweden at present.


  • 49.
    Bondesson, Christin
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Herbe, Julia
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Solceller för koldioxidneutralitet2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The energy sector is a crucial part of the climate issue, which today is important forcivil engineering. With the background that green house gas emissions are far toohigh due to fossil fuels for example, solar cells are being introduced as an alternativeelectricity supply. In this work, it has been investigated whether solar cells couldmake a projected house carbon-neutral in terms of the demand for electricity. Threequestion formulations were defined. Partly what the life cycle looks like for solarcells, partly whether the solar cells could contribute to a net emission of zero and alsohow the emissions due to the demand for electricity varies over the year. The studywas done using EPD:s from three solar cell manufacturers; Jinko Solar, LONGI Solarand TrinaSolar. Using energy calculations, the small house's carbon dioxideemissions over 30 years due to the demand for electricity were calculated. This wascompiled with energy data for selected solar cells and led to the calculation of the netemission. Through analysis and discussion of the results, it was established that theprojected small house cannot achieve complete carbon-neutrality. A compensation ofa total of 48 percent over the year was established and during the months of April toSeptember it was complete, consequently 100 percent. Furthermore, it was foundthat the life cycle of the solar cells varies to a lesser extent between the selectedproducers. A total difference of no more than 7.64 grams of carbon dioxideequivalents per kilowatt-hour of electricity produced was demonstrated.

  • 50.
    Bongenhielm, Viktoria
    et al.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Åberg, Linus
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sustainable Buildings.
    Hur påverkar gröna tak vår miljö?2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Green roofs are often hailed as the new norm in environmentally friendly roof materialssupposed to bind atmospheric carbon dioxide as well as being less hazardous for theenvironment during its lifespan - from cradle to grave. By comparing two environmentalproduct declarations (EPDs) of green roofs with one EPD of a clay tile roof and another of tinroof, an assessment of which type of roof is the most environmentally friendly in terms ofglobal warming potential (GWP) and abiotic depletion potential of fossil resources (ADPF)will be made.Despite green roofs having many advantages over conventional roofs such as lessening theeffects of heat islands in urban environments and functioning as an aquifer for rainwaterlessening the rain bound pollution to the ground, it was found that green roofs are not muchbetter for the environment than their clay and tin counterparts having a similar globalwarming potential in carbon dioxide equivalents. In terms of resource consumption, thecomparison was more in favor green roofs with the lowest levels of abiotic depletionpotential, followed by clay and lastly tin. With the scope of this study, it was determined thatgreen roofs are the least environmentally hazardous out of the three roofs analyzed, followedby clay and lastly tin roofs. However, it is worth mentioning that this result is based off thescope of this study which was to purely look at the GWP and ADPF aspects of green roofscompared to clay and tin clad roofs, every roof does have its unique set of advantages anddisadvantages.

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