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The Alpha, the Omega, and Everything in Between: Managing Expectations in Swedish Higher Education
KTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), Learning, Learning in Stem. (Higher Education Organization Studies (HEOS))ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2248-6614
2025 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The purpose of this thesis is to determine how the combination of expectations on higher education institutions affects their capacity to stake out their own strategic positions. This purpose is established in relation to an ongoing transformation of the conditions of higher education and research through a global development often called the rise of the knowledge society, positioning universities as increasingly important instruments for societal development through their dominion over academic knowledge generation and proliferation. With this growing importance, an increasingly wide variety of expectations from an increasingly wide variety of stakeholders has followed, stemming from within and outside the confines of the university and blurring the lines between the university and its surrounding environment. Taking its point of departure from the multitude of expectations laid upon higher education institutions, the overarching research question of this thesis is as follows: How can a higher education institution consolidate disparate expectations into cohesive positioning?

The thesis approaches this question from four different and complementary angles, guided by an overarching resource dependence perspective that places the spotlight on the management and negotiation of internal and external pressures that provide inputs to the positioning process. This overarching perspective is complemented by insights from theories of organised hypocrisy, the principal–agent problem, crisis management, academic freedom and organisational hybridity. Together, they provide a varied yet consistent image of how uncertainties are managed, and balances are negotiated in the processing of myriad expectations. The empirical focus of the thesis is on Swedish higher education, studied through in-depth interviews exploring internal decision-making processes, survey data generating overviews of systemic patterns, and publicly accessible opinion papers highlighting the interfaces between universities as organisations and their stakeholders.

The results of the thesis show that the internal balancing of expectations systematically reinforces the status quo while changing conditions are met by adaptation, resulting from an internalisation of external pressures through the management of uncertainties. The balance does not move unless necessary, and when necessary, it moves only as much as it must. Thus, higher education institutions respond readily to changing conditions to maintain continued operation but are subject to severe constraints in their capability to actively shape their own strategic positions.

The responsiveness of higher education institutions to pressures means that the way they function becomes fundamentally contextual. Cultural conditions, physical realities and mechanisms of governance matter, because they act as determinants of the way the balancing of expectations moves. Paradoxically, this may make higher education institutions — nominally the most unmanageable of organisations — easier to influence than most, but perhaps not with easily foreseeable results. 

Abstract [sv]

Syftet med denna avhandling är att avgöra hur kombinationen av förväntningar på lärosäten påverkar deras förmåga att utveckla egna strategiska positioner. Detta syfte etableras mot bakgrund av en pågående global förändring av förutsättningarna för högre utbildning och forskning som ofta beskrivs i termer av kunskapssamhällets framväxt. Denna utveckling placerar lärosätena som allt viktigare instrument för samhällsutveckling via deras kontroll över skapande och spridning av akademisk kunskap. Med denna växande betydelse följer också en allt större variation av förväntningar från en allt större variation av intressenter, som härstammar från såväl inom som utanför lärosätets väggar, och suddar ut själva gränserna mellan universitetet och dess omgivning. Med utgångspunkt i mångfalden av förväntningar som riktas mot lärosätena formuleras en övergripande forskningsfråga för avhandlingen enligt följande: Hur kan ett lärosäte konsolidera disparata förväntningar till en sammanhållen positionering?

Avhandlingen angriper denna fråga från fyra olika och kompletterande håll, vägledda av ett övergripande resursberoendeperspektiv som sätter fokus på hur interna och externa tryck hanteras och förhandlas i positioneringsprocessen. Detta övergripande perspektiv kompletteras av insikter från teorier rörande organiserat hyckleri, huvudman-agentproblemet, krishantering, akademisk frihet och organisatorisk hybriditet. Tillsammans tillhandahåller dessa perspektiv en varierad men konsekvent bild av hur osäkerheter behandlas, och balanser förhandlas, vid hanteringen av mångfalden av förväntningar. Det empiriska fokuset ligger på den svenska högskolesektorn, som studeras via djuplodande intervjuer som utforskar interna beslutsprocesser, enkätdata som ger en överblick över systematiska mönster, samt offentligt tillgängliga åsiktsdokument som belyser gränssnitten mellan universitet som organisationer och deras intressenter.

Avhandlingens resultat visar att den interna balanseringen av förväntningar systematiskt förstärker status quo, medan förändrade förutsättningar hanteras genom anpassning – orsakat av en internalisering av externa tryck via processer för hantering av osäkerheter. Balansen rubbas inte om det inte är nödvändigt, och när den rubbas sker det endast i den utsträckning som det krävs. Lärosätena är därmed tydligt responsiva gentemot förändrade förutsättningar i syfte att upprätthålla fortsatt verksamhet, men är föremål för starka begränsningar av deras förmåga att aktivt forma sina egna strategiska positioner.

Lärosätenas responsivitet gentemot olika typer av tryck innebär att deras funktionssätt i grunden blir kontextuellt betonat – kulturella förhållanden, fysiska realiteter och styrningsmekanismer spelar roll eftersom de avgör i vilken riktning balanseringen av förväntningar rör sig. Paradoxalt nog kan detta göra lärosäten — nominellt bland de mer svårstyrda organisationerna — lättare att påverka än många andra organisationer, men inte nödvändigtvis med enkelt förutsägbara resultat.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2025. , p. 91
TRITA-ITM-AVL ; 2024:26
Keywords [en]
Higher education, University governance, Resource dependence theory
Keywords [sv]
Högre utbildning, högskolestyrning, resursberoendeteori
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Technology and Learning
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-358300ISBN: 978-91-8106-172-7 (print)OAI: oai:DiVA.org:kth-358300DiVA, id: diva2:1925561
Public defence
2025-01-31, Kollegiesalen / https://kth-se.zoom.us/s/64827473203, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm, 14:00 (English)
Available from: 2025-01-09 Created: 2025-01-08 Last updated: 2025-01-29Bibliographically approved
List of papers
1. Matrix hybridity: The complex realities of strategic councils
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Matrix hybridity: The complex realities of strategic councils
2023 (English)In: Research Handbook on the Transformation of Higher Education / [ed] Leišytė, Liudvika. Dee, Jay R. & van der Meulen, Barend., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, p. 382-397Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-334913 (URN)2-s2.0-85168299961 (Scopus ID)

Part of ISBN 9781800378216 9781800378209

QC 20230831

Available from: 2023-08-31 Created: 2023-08-31 Last updated: 2025-01-08Bibliographically approved
2. Trial by Fire: Management During Crisis in Swedish Higher Education Institutions
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Trial by Fire: Management During Crisis in Swedish Higher Education Institutions
(English)Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Universities are intimately intertwined with their environments. They are subjects of a wide variety of expectations from external parties, and rely on meeting these expectations to maintain funding, trust and access to valuable infrastructure and information. Research has shown that universities are highly reactive to these pressures, both adapting to and attempting to influence their external realities. Part of this adaptation has taken the form of increasingly complex internal management structures, with growing management teams, new groups of support staff, and hybridisation of both roles and organisational principles. 

This chapter examines what happens to these complex structures when put to the test by disruptive crises: Which interests, which actors and which values take priority – and what comes out on the other side? The theoretical approach is based on a combined lens of resource dependence theory and crisis management theory, applied to a material of 21 interviews at three different Swedish higher education institutions.

The results show a breakdown of established pathways during crisis conditions, where the complex structures aimed at anchoring, securing acceptance and reaching consensus are set aside in favour of speed, efficiency, and security – illustrating a disconnect between vision and implementation generated by the tension between fluid, hybrid conceptualisations and the binary system they appear in.

Higher education management, higher education administration, resource dependence theory, crisis management theory, hybridity
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Technology and Learning
urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-358297 (URN)
Available from: 2025-01-08 Created: 2025-01-08 Last updated: 2025-01-17Bibliographically approved
3. Gilded Cages: Reliance on External Funding in Research
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Gilded Cages: Reliance on External Funding in Research
(English)Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The increasing dependence on knowledge as a driver of societal development during the twenty-first century has placed the governance of academia in a state of transformation. Increasing pressure for academia to direct the production, proliferation, and utilisation of academic knowledge towards the perceived needs and interests of government, industry and interests groups have manifested themselves in a diverse set of conditions for funding of education and research. For academics in general, and for early career researchers in particular, the result is an increasing dependence on external funding. In response, many universities have taken steps to introduce restrictions on form, content, and publication of research – as well as what types of employments are made available for researchers in the first place.

This study explores the relationship between employment security and reliance on external funding in Finland and Sweden – two countries that have recently adopted tenure-track models. The exploration is based on material from the APIKS survey regarding duration of employment contracts, exposure to expectations, and sources of funding. Bases on this analysis, we discuss whether tenure can effectively provide a healthy degree of independence and academic freedom in a funding landscape characterised by a high degree of competition for research funding.

The results of the study provide insights into how the transformation of conditions for academic work interact with fundamental values of academia, and opens avenues for further research into how academics deal with the pressures of modern career structures.

Higher education, External funding, Employment security, Tenure-tracks, Academic freedom
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Technology and Learning
urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-358298 (URN)
Available from: 2025-01-08 Created: 2025-01-08 Last updated: 2025-01-17Bibliographically approved
4. Putting Mouths Where the Money Is: An Analysis of Input to the Swedish Research Bill of 2024
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Putting Mouths Where the Money Is: An Analysis of Input to the Swedish Research Bill of 2024
(English)Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Higher education institutions have come to play an increasingly important role for a variety of different political purposes ranging from regional growth to science diplomacy, and through this development have also come to gain a more important role as political actors. This study examines how this role is harnessed by higher education institutions and closely related actors in political advocacy work through a dual conceptual framework of academic freedom and the principal-agent perspective. With an empirical material of opinion papers requested from and sent to the Swedish government in preparation for its research bill of 2024, the study consists of a thematic analysis of stances taken and arguments raised in order to consolidate a seemingly disparate policy debate into a common frame of reference. The study concludes that advocacy work aiming at external conditions also serves internal purposes. 

Higher education policy, Academic freedom, Principal-Agent theory, Thematic analysis, Research funding
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Technology and Learning
urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-358299 (URN)
Available from: 2025-01-08 Created: 2025-01-08 Last updated: 2025-01-17Bibliographically approved

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