Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is in widespread use around the world for numerous purposes. Even though it was first developed for military purposes, nowadays, the civilian use has surpassed it by far. It has evolved to its finest state in recent days and still being developed further towards pinpoint accuracy. With all the improvements, several vulnerabilities have been discovered by researchers and exploited by the attackers. Several countermeasures have been and still being implemented to secure the GNSS. Studies show that GNSS-based receivers are still vulnerable to a very fundamentally simple, yet effective, attack; known as the replay attack. The replay attack is particularly harmful since the attacker could make the receiver calculate an inaccurate position, without even breaking the encryption or without employing any sophisticated technique. The Multiple Combinations of Satellites and Systems (MCSS) test is a powerful test against replay attacks on GNSS. However, detecting and identifying multiple attacking signals and determining the correct position of the receiver simultaneously remain as a challenge. In this study, after the implementation of MCSS test, a mechanism to detect the attacker controlled signals has been demonstrated. Furthermore, applying a clustering algorithm on the product of MCSS test, a method of correctly determining the position, nullifying the adversarial effects has also been presented in this report.