We are developing a photon-counting spectral CT detector with small pixel size of 0.40.5 mm2, o ering a potentialadvantage for better visualization of small structures in pediatric patients. The purpose of this study is to determinethe patient size dependent scanning parameters (kVp and mAs) for pediatric CT in two imaging cases: adipose imagingand iodinated blood imaging.Cylindrical soft-tissue phantoms of diameters between 10-25 cm were used to mimic patients of di erent ages from 0-15 y. For adipose imaging, a 5-mm-diameter adipose sphere was assumed as an imaging target, while an iodinated bloodsphere of 1 mm in diameter was assumed in the case of iodinated imaging. By applying the geometry of a commercial CTscanner (GE LightSpeed VCT), simulations were carried out to calculate the detectability index,d02, with tube potentialsvarying from 40 to 140 kVp. The optimal kVp for each phantom in each imaging case was determined such that the dose-normalized detectability index,d02=dose, is maximized. With the assumption that image quality in pediatric imagingis required the same as in typical adult imaging, the value of mAs at optimal kVp for each phantom was selected toachieve a reference detectability index that was obtained by scanning an adult phantom (30 cm in diameter) in a typicaladult CT procedure (120 kVp and 200 mAs) using a modeled energy-integrating system.For adipose imaging, the optimal kVps are 50, 60, 80, and 120 kVp, respectively, for phantoms of 10, 15, 20, and25-cm in diameter. The corresponding mAs values required to achieve the reference detectability index are only 9%,23%, 24%, and 54% of the mAs that is used for adult patients at 120 kVp, for 10, 15, 20, and 25-cm-diameter phantoms,respectively. In the case of iodinated imaging, a tube potential of 60 kVp was found optimal for all phantoms investigated,and the mAs values required to achieve the reference detectability index are 2%, 9%, 37%, and 109% of the adult mAs.The results also indicate that with the use of respective optimal kVps, the photon-counting spectral system o ers up to30% higherd02=dose than the modeled energy-integrating system for adipose imaging, and 70% for iodinated imaging.