The purpose of this thesis was to study continuous improvements and to observe their way of working with CI today at one of Sandvik SRP’s departments called West, and to come up with concrete suggestions for further improvements. In other words, to analyse the way WEST is working at present and to create a system in a working environment, which streamlines the work of continuous improvement. Sandvik has built this department recently, where process machining of various parts takes place.
The thesis began with a literature study on continuous improvements such as the background, implementation of CI using Bessant's five levels and the key factors. The authors chose PDCA and 5s for further study. The purpose of choosing these two quality management tools was to get the better understanding of basics of those tools which plays an important role in the area of continuous improvements.
After this, observation was carried out as well as several interviews. The observation was consisted of staff meetings, examination of various machines and processes used in West, such as finishing, welding, etc. Interviews were conducted with Production Engineer Magnus, Operational Excellence Lars Melbrand, and Production Manager Verdana from another department, whose job is to work with continuous improvement, as well as several other machine operators / Team Leaders.
The status analysis was done by sketching a model tree to get a clear view of the current situation in different areas in order to eventually find the cause of the problems that arise and which prevents the company from constantly improving. In addition, the working methods which are used today were analysed and misconceptions that are found among the employees for example related to PDCA. There is no actual system built for training staff at the company so that they could get the opportunity to learn those new systems and methods which are implemented. The communication between machine operators and production engineers is low and there are no goals connected to the individual or group for continuous improvement.
After analysing the current situation of the department and finding out that WEST lies between level 2 and 3 at Bessant's five level theory (2003), the authors have presented a number of suggestions in various areas to take the department to the higher level. This was being done by comparing Kaye & Anderson's key factors, which are ten checkpoints to get a clear picture of the organization's current position and capacity to achieve new aims.
Results of the analysis illustrated by the model tree which can be seen under the heading Results. This new model tree is an improved version of the former model tree that showed how Sandvik works with continuous improvements today. In that new tree, the areas have been analysed and improved.