A study of the perceived need to introduce digital locks on a unit in Södertälje municipality, a quality house is used to select a system of three. Then calculates what investment would cost and finally, a calculation will be presented which shows what an introduction could generate in monetary terms.
Investing in a pilot plant with 77 users would cost about SEK 50,000, this is a truth with modification - all costs are included, but only software and hardware licenses. If you count in 20 minutes, 100,000 kronor if you count 10 minutes and 120,000 kronor if you count in 12 minutes.
Today, the municipality uses traditional (physical) keys and stores users' keys in both larger and smaller cabinets at the units. According to the routine, the keys should be returned to the key cabinet in the event of a change, which means that there will be a lot of running with the keys.
If a security alarm is triggered, the operator has a 30-minute setting for the user. Problems can occur if the keys are not properly registered in the system, as well as during the day that staff have handed the keys to someone else in the staff and did not return the keys to the key box between the handover. It can also be that keys disappear, which must then be replaced by the municipality. The biggest time thieves are: in case of alarm, morning routine, and change of day. It happens a lot during a working day, which means that the staff needs to change keys with each other and staff solve this in the best way for the moment and not always according to the routine.
In the reports investigate which system the executives use and the conclusion is that it is appropriate to use a system that fits smoothly into existing systems so that there is no additional system. It is also important for a possible introduction to thinking about how the municipality intends to organize: installation, maintenance, and management - which the municipality has either a central unit, decentralized out of the units or use external contractors, such as a locksmith.
The performers are positive and feel that the need is to introduce digital locks, while the property owners do not see a direct benefit from the solution. Much depends on how the municipality for the dialogue and invites to talks at an early stadium and explains what you are planning for a solution.