Cyberattack simulations appear across multiple computer security domains and are interpreted in many different but equally viable ways. However, this makes the topic appear fragmented and inconsistent, making it challenging to identify and communicate relevant research. Therefore, this article contributes to a unified baseline by presenting the results of a systematic literature review. The review targeted attack simulations published between 1999 and 2019, specifically those exploring which specific steps result in successful attacks. The search initially produced 647 articles, later reduced to 11 key contributions. Despite being scattered across application domains, their general aims, contributions, and problem statements were remarkably similar. This was despite them generally not citing each other or a common body of work. However, the attack simulations differed in implementation details, such as modeling techniques, attacker decision-making, and how time is incorporated. How to construct a fully unified view of the entire topic is still somewhat unclear, particularly from the 11 articles. However, the results presented here should help orient practitioners and researchers interested in attack simulations regarding both present and future work. Particularly since, despite the seemingly implausible sample, the cumulative evidence suggests that attack simulations have yet to be pursued as a distinct research topic.